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Lyra snuck downstairs for a snack. She couldn't sleep at all and hoped some milk and leftover cookies would get her to settle down under her quilt.

Harry would be coming to their home tomorrow night. Lyra didn't really know the plan, but she knew enough to be prepared for a sight to see. She didn't know if only Harry and his companion Hagrid would be arriving, or if other members of the Order would be coming. Lyra had been trying to talk George out of going, she knew Death Eaters would know Harry was being transported and she didn't want him to die. She cried to him, begging, but he had his mind set, he was going to help confuse and transport Harry. He was adamant and she couldn't sway him.

As Lyra made it on the bottom step on her light feet, she hears murmurs from the kitchen. She strained her ears to see who it is that's up. She heard an unfamiliar voice, but it wasn't unfamiliar... far from it.

She poked her head around the dark archway to see the dimly lit kitchen, one lamp over the sink was on. Aunt Andromeda and Uncle Ted sat at the kitchen table with Moody. She knew it was the real one this time. He was having tea with them, not a flask of polyjuice potion.

"Are you sure he's dead?" Andromeda whispered. "Poor Mrs. Scrimgeour. What happened to him?"

Ted grabbed his wife's hand. "Darling," he said gently.

Lyra tried not to gasp, the Prime Minister was dead! W-what now?

"He was tortured," Moody grumbled. "The poor bastard was unrecognizable. I think his family fled to France."

"I hope they stay safe. It's dangerous times." Andromeda sighed shakily. "Who will be the new leader? You-Know-Who?"

Moody scoffed. "No, of course not. He's the puppet master, Pius Thicknesse is the new Minister, rumor is he's under the Imperius Curse."

"W-what about Lyra," Andromeda questioned little above a whisper. "With no protection, with no order, what will happen to her?"

Lyra felt her blood grow cold in her veins, waiting for the reply.

"From what she's told us, he wanted to rape her. He wanted her to carry his child. She's eighteen now, the age he had been waiting for." Ted spoke up.

"She's shunned," Moody pointed out. "She's defected, just like you Andy. She should be safe for now. But they might get desperate, it's best we keep our eye on her."

"First Harry, now Lyra. What does he have against these children?"

"You know what,"

"It was a rhetorical question." Ted snipped. "Lyra is finally getting a normal life, she doesn't need to panic. It's best she knows nothing."

"Agreed," Moody nodded.

Lyra snuck away and quietly went up the steps. She laid in her bed, unable to stop imagining Aunt Bellatrix killing Andromeda and Ted and then taking Lyra away to be mounted by Voldemort. It made her stifle her tears into her pillow.

The next morning Andromeda dragged Lyra out of bed and made her dust the house as if they were meeting the Queen. Lyra watered the flowers in the garden and beat the dust out of the rugs in the corridors. It was not how she wanted to spend her day, but it kept her from thinking about Voldemort.

Andromeda came out on the porch with lunch. "Dora told me that George will be traveling with Remus, so he's in safe hands."

"That's good, I want to stay posted on everyone, I want to make sure they are okay." Lyra looked down at her hands. She heard her father broke out and it's been heavy on her mind. "Do you think my father will attack?"

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