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Finally a month went by, it was now November. She hastily grabbed it. She smiled big at it. It was done, she did it. She fucking did it! And Draco hadn't told her parents about her talking to Gryffindors, she checked the letters thoroughly after that.

She just needed to get George alone. How? Then she thought of an idea. She'd send him an anonymous letter. It's perfect. Let's hope he actually goes.

She sat in the Slytherin common room at a desk. She grabbed ink, a quill and parchment. She needed to think of something not creepy to write. What could she say? Hey, I want to buy a Puking Pastilles, meet me in an abandoned class room? Would that even work?

Dear George,

That's all she could think to write. Come on, Lyra...

I have something important to tell you. Please meet me to the abandoned transfiguration class room on the third floor after dinner. This is something serious.

- M

Would that work? She was about to find out. She sealed it in an envelope and then went to the owlery to send it out. She decided a school owl would be less obvious. It was the weekend. It was bound to work.

Lyra nervously waited for the day to pass. Dinner was in five hours, what if he doesn't get the bloody letter? She began to panic now. She sat at dinner, picking at her meal.

She glanced up to see that pink toad, though none of the professors seemed keen to talk to her and Lyra understood why. She wouldn't want to talk to her either.

"Now that those blood traitors are off the team. It should be quite simple to win the quidditch cup this year." Lyra heard Draco say smuggly.

She watched as perhaps George and Fred were having a serious chat. Though Fred broke out in a grin, causing George to nudge him. Maybe it wasn't serious. Maybe he never got it. She felt her stomach sink. Was this a bad idea? She felt the potion in her robe pocket.

She waited for dinner to end. When a few students started to leave slightly early, she followed. She hoped she blended in. She felt so sick. She went to the classroom and waited. What if she was getting ambushed? She hoped not. She felt like stomach acid was bubbling up her throat and then the door opened, making her swallow hard.

George walked in, shutting the door behind him. He seemed surprised to see her as she was to see him. "Malfoy?" He scanned the room nervously. "What do you want?"

"Please, don't go. Let me explain." She hastily said. He took a step forward and crossed his arms. "I want to join."

"Join what?" He asked plainly.

"Come off it!" She hissed. "I know about the secret group. And no I didn't tell anyone. I want to join."

"I really don't know what you're talking about." He scoffed. He went to turn but she leaped quickly up her him and grabbed his arm hastily. He was surprised her short legs carried her so fast and so was she. She hastily let go of him.

"I know you don't trust me. That's why a month ago, I brewed this." She pulled out a vial. "It's Veritaserum, I secretly made it. I didn't blow anything up either. I really want to learn whatever Harry is teaching. So I'm willing to possibly spill my secrets."

"Well now I'm curious." He walked over to an old desk and sat down.

"Y-you trust me it's real?"

"I've seen you in Snape's classroom making something maybe a month ago. This must be it then."

She nodded her head with wide eyes. "You seriously trust me?"

"No, but I'm still curious." He shrugged. He had a stupid smile on his face.

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