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Summer was drawing closer to an end and things grew darker and darker. People started going missing and Diagon Alley started looking smaller and smaller as buildings were becoming boarded up with no sign of the owners.

Of course, Lyra knew what happened to them. She wasn't invited to the Death Eater meeting thankfully, she was often sent to her bedroom where she sent letters to George and continued to prepare for her NEWTs. She had received letters from Katie and Alicia. They both were going on about how they didn't want classes to start just yet, Lyra sort of felt the same. On one hand, she wanted to get the NEWTs over with, and on the other one, she just wanted to spend all her time with her boyfriend.

When Alicia came back from France, she got lunch with her. It was a nice moment for Lyra to forget about her dark life. It was soon announced that Horace Slughorn would be their new Professor. Lyra hoped he was an easy grader, but she wasn't so sure.

Her mother rambled on about the Slug Club and how it'd be a great mistake if Lyra or Draco didn't make it into attendence. But Lyra had a feeling neither would make it into that exclusive club, it was known that Slughorn wasn't a Voldemort sympathizer, and the Malfoys were own to be.

"We are going to Diagon Alley, tomorrow." Narcissa announced at dinner. "Draco, me and you." Lyra looked up from her plate to see her mother staring at her.

"Why? We already got our school supplies." Lyra pointed out. It was hard not being able to escape her mother to see Fred and George's now open shop. It had been a huge hit. She was very proud of them, but she didn't enjoy all the attention George was getting. She overheard two girls talk about him in great detail of what they wanted him to do to them. She nearly hexed both of them. She was so furious, though he didn't do anything wrong, she refused to let him touch her for a whole day.

"We need to go for another reason. If you must, Darling, you may roam and shop."

"I don't need to go with you?" Lyra asked curiously.

Her mother sighed gravely. "I suppose not. Do not go anywhere with no people around. Make sure you stay in a crowded area. And don't talk to strange people. You should get some new robes, some fashionable ones."

Lyra nodded her head, giving her a small smile. "Yes, Mother. I was hoping to go to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes."

"Why?" She asked sharply, her eyes turning into slits.

"They have this acne cream, it makes marks disappear in less than ten seconds. My friends mentioned it in their letters, they loved it." She replied nonchalantly.

"Lyra, I don't think it's wise for you to enter that disgusting shop."

"Mother, I can't look around?" She pressed further.

"Do you need such a distraction?" Her mother snapped. "It's unseemly of you to be around such low-lives."

Draco cleared his throat, catching Narcissa's attention. "Mother, I also wanted to get something at that shop."

She sighed exasperatingly. "I suppose you could go look around while I run a quick errand."

Lyra nodded submissively, with a smirk on her lips.

The next day, Lyra put on a light blue dress with a white collar and an attached short cape, it was a dress made in Italy and was very breathable and flowy. It was perfect for the humidity. She carried her small purse and walked beside her mother, acting like an obedient daughter. Her mother seemed in heavy thought, ignoring how sharply her daughter was dressed. When they arrived to the centre of Diagon Alley, she waved her hand to let them walk freely.

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