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It seemed like the cells grew colder by the day. Lyra was certain she could see her breath. A man was dragged from his cell and hadn't been back since. Lyra had counted and it's been two days since he was taken.

There was a panic amongst the prisoners that they'd be taken next. When the rusty hinges were squealing alive, everyone stirred awake.

There were heavy footsteps coming closer. Lyra sat up and peeked down the dark corridor. The lanterns caught a few shadows and silhouettes, the first cell opened and another person was taken from it. The prisoner started to scream and try to fight the shadows. Lyra heard shuffling and the man went silent. She watched as a body was carried out. There were mutters from the Death Eaters.

Lyra laid back down, but from her racing heart, she wasn't going to get any sleep.

An hour or two later, she was given bland porridge and stale bread. She picked the mold from the slice. She tried to choke it all down. It was like cement in her mouth. She had been in the hellhole for nearly five weeks. A month of this hell. She hadn't been brought back upstairs. Voldemort may have forgotten about her. She hoped so anyways.

When she was finished with her meal, she pushed it aside. She was going to stretch out her cold legs and walk around the room for a bit when there was noise coming from upstairs. There were quite a few voices.

She stood up and walked towards the front bars. It was only her, Luna and Ollivander now.

"Do you think they are bringing them back?" Lyra asked no one in particular.

"I doubt it." Ollivander said in a whisper.

The door opened and she noticed Wormtail's voice. There were quite a few feet that she heard. When they started to come down the corridor, she noticed Ron Weasley's voice.

"R-ron? Is that you?" Lyra asked hastily?

"Lyra?" He gasped.

"Shut up!" Wormtail shouted. He opened the door and forced four bodies into Luna's cell. He held his wand with a threatening manner but Lyra knew he was too stupid to know a spell. He looked over at Lyra when he got the door shut. "The Dark Lord will be back for round two." He gave a dark smirk before leaving the cellar.

Lyra felt a few tears leak from her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and looked at the boys. Ron was gripping the bars to her cell.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked urgently.

"P-please don't ask me that." She begged. "I don't want to say it."

"Did you betray my family?" He questioned.

"Ron... Harry?" Luna asked.

"Luna! What are you doing here?" Ron asked her.

Lyra watched Harry dig something out of his sock. Luna commented on it as the dim light reflected off it, Lyra noticed it was a piece of a mirror.

"What are you all doing here?" She asked, glancing at a tall form of a man and a short stout form that must have been a goblin.

Before either could answer the sound of a blood cuddling scream could be heard from upstairs.

"Hermione!" Ron shouted. "We gotta save her!" He started shouting down the corridor.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Lyra ordered him. "That won't do any good. There's nothing you can do. Nothing."

There was a sudden crack. Lyra hadn't heard that sound in a long time.

"Dobby!" Harry gasped.

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