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Lyra joined a new crowd of students. She watched decree number 24 be put up. She gasped at the sight. It immediately disbands all existing clubs, teams, societies and groups and forbids further groups
without the High Inquisitor's consent.

"You can't do that!" Lyra hissed. "What about quidditch?"

Professor Umbridge stood, watching Filch put up the second decree. "I'm afraid I can."

"But, why?"

"Thinking of forming a group, Miss Malfoy?"

Lyra bit her tongue bitterly. "Students have a right to join a club."

"Not anymore. I will not be pushed around by some student, Miss Malfoy, I suggest you go find something productive to do. Along with all of you."

"I hate it here." Lyra mumbled as she stomped away. It was just getting worse and worse.

Lyra was getting even more frustrated in her classes. She despised Professor Unbridge but she must carry on. She started spending more free time studying than anything else. With the lack of friends, it wasn't that hard.

She finally opened a letter from her mother. She seemed concerned and asked if Lyra was enjoying her new professor and new year. Lyra just tossed the letter in the fire. The one she received from her father was an immediate throw away. Lyra hoped eventually they'd leave her alone. Perhaps think she's dead.

It seemed like she had been alone forever, other than two months. She stopped crying herself asleep. She began to grow more numb. She took some walks around school as to exercise her legs. She itched to move sense she was locked in her bedroom for a summer.

She was on a floor she wasn't really familiar with, but continued nonetheless. She heard a strange sound. One she couldn't place. She watched a door form from a bare wall. She gasped. She quickly got behind a statue and watched the door open and hear students laughing. She watched Harry Potter among them and the Weasley twins and Alicia and Katie.

"You're an amazing teacher, Harry." Katie praised.

"See you later." Alicia said, grabbing Katie's arm before leaving. Fred had his arm around Angelina and George was talking to Lee Jordan.

She felt that ache in her hand. But she saw opportunity. They were doing something and she wanted to be apart of it desperately.

How could she join them? They wouldn't trust her- hell- she wouldn't trust her. She thought to herself at dinner and then that night in bed. How could she join whatever they are doing? She felt this tug at her soul as if she was meant to join. She had to join. It was like she belonged and she couldn't fully explain why. She just did.

She went to class and still dreamed off. She glanced at Katie, perhaps she could just tell her and then the ache in her hand settled in. She hissed as if she could still feel his cane. She grasped her hand, cradling it subconsciously.

"Are you alright?" An irritated Terence asked her. He didn't make it on the team this year as beater, Crabbe and Goyle beat him to it and understandingly so.

"Y-yes..." She staggered.

How could she gain their trust? Who could she used? If Katie believed her, what's the chance Lyra would be accepted? She needed someone close to Harry... Perhaps George would come in handy. And not just because she wanted to apologize or talk to him.

She looked down at her potions textbook boredly as Snape was talking. Then she got an idea. How can she brew the Vertitaserum? It was advanced and she hadn't tried it yet. She would have to bite the bullet and try it anyways.

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