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Things only got worse for Lyra in ways she couldn't even imagine. She took her final exams and hardly knew of what went down at the Ministry. That was until the newspapers came in. Lyra was stared at, she wanted to apologize to Harry, to everyone. Poor Neville had a broken nose. Ron looked at her as if she was a traitor.

She read the newspaper, her father and other death eaters were caught in the ministry, fighting Harry and his friends for a prophecy, all for the Dark Lord, who was back. Lyra read how her father was taken into custody. When she went home, she'd have to attend his trial. She knew what was to happen.

She just stared at Harry in Dumbledore's arms, so weak, looked like he was close to death. She felt overwhelmingly guilty. Like she somehow was apart of this. She sat away from her friends on the train back to London. Everyone was scared and sad. Just like the year before.

She couldn't go up to Harry and apologize, what the fuck could she say? What happened happened. He wouldn't believe her or she'd only make it worse. She didn't want to face George, she didn't want to face her friends. They'd only see her as the villain. Her blood was cruel. And what's worse is the embarrassment of her father going to Azkaban. There was no getting out of it this time.

She was lost in thought when the compartment door opened. She looked up at Katie and Alicia. Lyra instantly broke down in tears. Her friends joined her side. They laid their heads against hers. Katie tore the newspaper out of her hands, tossing it to the seat before them.

They didn't say anything, they just held each other.

When they arrived back to London, Lyra grabbed her trunk and followed her friends off the train. They promised to write and she looked forward to their letters. She grabbed Ellie's cage and stood amongst a crowd. She watched parents happily embrace their children. She watched Alicia and Katie each hug their parents. Rambling on about quidditch most likely and they were safe.

"Those look heavy." A voice said, causing her to flinch. But she recognized it instantly.

She looked up at George. He wore really nice clothes, he looked really sharp. "Hi," She greeted. "I-I saw your shop in the paper, it said you were getting it ready to open."

"Yeah, I just sent you a letter, I suppose you'll get it when you arrive home." He grinned.

"George!" They heard a voice shout.

The two looked over at Mrs. Weasley, she looked rather shocked to see George talking to her at all. They look back at each other. They had a million things they wanted to do but couldn't.

"Visit me," He told her before approaching his mother who seemed to be rambling a mile a minute.

Lyra started walking on, she walked to where her mother normally was. She spot her quickly, her eyes look so tired. Draco was already there, trying to keep it together. Her mother instantly took them home when Lyra approached.

The house seemed darker. Somehow darker than ever before. She looked at her mother, who remained melancholy.

"You are to wake at 8, his trial is at 10 am sharp." That was all she said as she hastily turned away.

Lyra took her things to her bedroom. She knew Ellie would want to go in her owlery. But for now, Lyra sat her on her desk.

Lyra put her things away by hand. She took her time. She didn't notice her Aunt watching her unpack.

"Quite a room you have." Bellatrix said, causing Lyra to jump out of her skin. "Too pink for my taste." She was a mass of darkness in Lyra's space. She continued to look around, even at the portraits on her walls. "I have news!" She squealed happily. "We are blessed! The dark lord will be staying with us! We will make exceptional hosts! I cannot wait to serve my Lord." She jumped around like a school girl in love.

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