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Lyra was stunned and transported to the Malfoy Manor. It no longer was her home. It looked darker, it looked ominous. She tried to move her fingertips but she couldn't. She tried to scream but her jaw was locked in place.

She wished to fight them. Her aunt let out crazy laughter, making Lyra's blood run cold.

She entered the house and it seemed... foreign. Everything was the same, yet very different. It was odd. Everything felt colder.

"Take her to a separate cell." Bellatrix barked at Yaxley.

"Yes, ma'am." He replied drily. He used his magic to make Lyra hover behind him. Her toes scrapping against the black floorboards.

She was brought down to the cellar, but it wasn't the wine cellar anymore. There were jail cells. The bars hummed with magic. It was too dark to see who else was in there, but she was shoved into the farthest cell. She was dropped to the cold ground. She laid on her back, staring up at the dome shaped ceiling. She heard Yaxley mutter under his breath as he locked her in.

They've taken her wand. They had left her defenseless and she was honestly frightened. What was going to happen to her? What would George do? Will he be alright? She needed to escape. She needed to get out of there.

It was hours when she was finally able to move her limbs. The cell was dank and cold. There was straw sprinkled onto the cold stone floors. There was a lantern lit just outside her cell. There was no other source of light but the warm hues. She pulled her healer robes tighter around her form.

She could hear coughing from the cell next to her's. "H-Hello?" She called out.

"Shush, child." She heard back, an older man... Mr. Ollivander. He had been missing since summer.

"M-mr. Ollivander?" She whispered. She inched closer, wrapping her hands around the cold bars. "Why are you here?"

"The Elder wand has been of interest." He replied in a tight whisper. From the dim light, he seemed pale and perhaps ill.

"Shit..." Lyra breathed. So, the legend was real. Right? Why else would he be here? It had to be real and not hearsay.

She dropped to the ground and let out a sigh. She looked down at her beautiful wedding ring. She hoped George didn't panic too much, or destroy the world trying to find her. But she knew he had too much Gryffindor courage.

There was a sound of a heavy door being opened. Lyra jumped to her feet and looked out to see who had come. She heard their feet pattering down the damp steps.

She saw a plump figure, they held one arm close to their chest with the other one holding a lantern. Ollivander fell real quiet and when Lyra glanced over, the old man was cowering. What have they done to him? Lyra felt the need to protect him.

"Who are you?" Lyra snarled.

The man came closer to her, he looked a bit like a rat with a messy mullet and large front teeth. His eyes were black and beady. He looked at her as if she was the rodent, funnily enough.

He showed his wand with his other hand, in the light it glistened like metal. But it worked like flesh. "Don't try anything, girl!"

Lyra stood tall and watched him unlock the cell door. She had to think smartly, she can't just attempt to overpower him. He grabbed her roughly and pointed his wand into her back. He then directed her towards the staircase. She felt her heart hammering in her chest.

She was taken upstairs and through her home. How is it that she once was a resident of this estate, and now she is a prisoner of war? She played with her wedding ring. Merlin, she wished she kissed George a little harder before leaving for work. She wished she hugged him and smelled his familiar cologne.

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