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Lyra felt very upbeat and excited for the new semester. She had a good feeling. Especially after snogging George nearly every free period she had. She wondered if her grades would slip, she knew her parents would kill her but she was too happy to care.

She entered the great hall for breakfast and there were owls everywhere, flapping about. Everyone was talking in rushed whispers. Her smile fell when eyes looked at her, whispering about her. The Gryffindors looked at her funny, all but her friends and ones who know her.

She rushed over to the Slytherin table and sat down across from her brother who was talking to his friends. "What's happened?" Lyra asked quickly.

"Seems we'll meet, Aunt Bella." Draco whispered across the table before tossing her the Daily Prophet. On the front cover was her Aunt Bellatrix. Her stomach sank. Everything felt more real. The war was truly approaching. She can't lie to herself anymore. She needed to do something. She needed to send a letter to her aunt.

Her deranged Aunt looked so crazy and scary. She feared to meet the woman.

The Minister of magic, Cornelius Fudge had commented, Lyra internally groaned. "We have confirmed that ten high-security prisoners, in the early hours of yesterday evening, did escape. And of course, the Muggle Prime Minister has been alerted to the danger. We strongly suspect that the breakout was engineered by a man with personal experience in escaping from Azkaban; notorious mass murderer Sirius Black, cousin of the escapee Bellatrix Lestrange."

Lyra scoffed. "He's an idiot! A complete idiot!"

"Father put him in power for that reason, he's a fool, Lyra." Draco started cackling. "A puppet."

"It's wrong. He must come to terms..." She sighed, why did she even bother. Draco didn't hold the same beliefs.

"What's gotten into you?" Draco questioned darkly. "Don't tell me you think this quack should believe in Potter's antics." They glared at each other, they both know the dark lord was actually back. But Draco was taunting her, underneath it all, he was asking her if she was on Potter's side. They both knew what would happen if that was true. She was, but she couldn't say it yet.

"I think this is bigger than Sirius Black." Lyra put the paper down and started to eat her crepes. But her mind swam. She looked down at her shaking hands. She felt so sick. The war seemed so real.

After breakfast she went to class, but she kept trying to meet George's eye in the corridors. She was far from discreet. She needed him. She needed him to comfort her desperately.

Everyone was whispering about her aunt. She noticed Neville extra pale. She knew what happened to his parents and it was gravely wrong. How could her aunt torture his parents? Did she hold no moral compass?

She found him in between classes, looking outside as the rain fell against the stain glass window. He was seated in a small nook. Lyra noticed her brother was busy teasing Harry. She approached him.

"Hi, Neville." She greeted awkwardly.

He looked at her with large eyes before coming to by shaking his head. "Er... Hi M-Malfoy." He seemed very skeptical and scared of her.

She gave him a soft smile. "I quite like storms, you know. Because when it lightens up, it's peaceful. There's a rainbow and that lovely earthy smell."

"Er, yeah." He replied softly.

"I-I'm sorry..." She tugged at her binder nervously. That caught his attention though, he looked up at her. "You know I'm quite jealous of your herbology skills. Professor Sprout constantly raves about you." She looked at her brother before looking back at Neville. "He's a prick sometimes. I'm sorry about him. And I'm sorry... I'm just so sorry. I know it doesn't help any. I know people are mean, but I really think you're great. And if anyone is bothering you, let me know. I-I'm a Malfoy so I get certain privileges. I'll set them straight." She leans forward playfully. "No one dares mess with a dark witch." She let's out a giggle. She wasn't sure if she helped or made things worse. She prayed it wasn't the latter. "Bye, Neville. I'll see you soon." She turned away from him and walked down the corridor, but not before looking over her shoulder and giving him a genuine smile. He still seemed dumbfounded. She hoped she wasn't strange or off-putting.

During her free period, she sneaked away into the library. She sat in the far back and waited for her boyfriend. He appeared like he always did.

He gave her a soft smile. He knew she needed him. He opened his arms wide and she ran into his arms, burying her face into his chest. He ran his fingers through her thick hair, getting caught in tangles and decided to just massage her scalp. He kissed her head after a moment of silence.

"It's getting real, Georgie." She told him through a muffled voice.

"Hey, it's okay, love." He lifted her face up at him. "We'll be alright." He ran his thumb over her cheekbone sweetly. She smiled dumbly up at him.

But her smile started to falter. "George, I don't want to lose you."

"Why would you?"

Her bottom lip quivered. "I might have to be one of them. I don't want to be."

"Baby, you aren't them." He told her gently. "You aren't one of them, Lyra."

"Give me your confidence."

He let out a shaky chuckle. "I would in a heartbeat."

"I'm doing it tonight, I'm sending Andromeda a letter. I-I don't know what to say, but I'll figure it out."

"Lyra, I can help you write it."

She gave him a warm smile. "Really?"

"Of course,"

She pulled back and went to the table and pulled out a clean piece of parchment and her ink and quill. George sat down beside her, lounging his long arm on the back of her chair.

They started to bounce off ideas.

"Should you call her Andromeda? Aunt Andromeda?" George would ask her.

"I dunno, I don't think so. I'm going to keep it formal and just call her Mrs. Tonks... That's alright, isn't it?"

They finally composed a letter they both thought would get their correspondence started.

Dear Mrs. Tonks,

I am Narcissa's daughter, Lyra. I am writing to you because I feel like an outsider and I don't know what to do. I was hoping you could help me. I don't want to have to leave my family to pursue a career and not marry their chosing, but I find it rather hard to be allowed to stay when my views conflict with theirs. I'm afraid I must leave soon. But I'd like your advice on what I should do on the matters.

Thank you for your time, I hope to hear from you in the foreseeable future.

Sincerely, Lyra Malfoy

"Merlin, you're so formal." George teased.

"I can't help it." Lyra replied, sticking her nose up into the air. "Thank you for your help." She leaned in and captured his lips tenderly before breaking away and tying her parchment. "I'll give this to Ellie after supper."

"Shit, I forgot about Fred!" George got up quickly. "We are bouncing off ideas. Tomorrow we'll meet again, or tonight if you're feeling scandalous. Send me a quick note if you're feeling up to it."

"Okay, bye." They kissed one last time before he left the library.

Lyra sighed to herself. She truly enjoyed that man's company. Then that inkling thought flooded back, Lyra would be married to some Frenchman. She couldn't tell George. She can't lose him. She knew he'd know eventually, but not right now.

Thank you for 10k. It means a lot. I am sick, so I hope the future chapters are coherent. I'm trying to edit them the best I can. See you in around five days, seven if I have better self control. ❤️

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