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Lyra felt so betrayed. How could her best friend and boyfriend do this to her? She hid under her blanket, sobbing for what felt like forever. The constant flow of tears never ceased.

She wanted to storm Alicia's flat and tear her a new one. She wanted to fucking scream in her face and make her feel how Lyra felt.

George had been equally as distraught. He rushed to Alicia's, he couldn't understand how her shirt ended up in his bedroom. How did this happen? What the fuck?

George banged on her door. He was fuming. His hand ached from how hard he was hitting the wooden door.

Alicia opened the door, she wore her pajamas still and her hair was tucked away in a silk bonnet.

He showed her the top and she paled. "Want to fucking tell me why your belongings was in my bedroom?"

"Er I can explain-"

"Then get fucking to it because you just costed me my relationship." His face grew beet-red.

She gasped. "What!"

"Lyra found it and thought I was cheating. She knows it's yours and I'm sure she'll be on her way to kick your arse very soon. So get talking Spinnet."

She drew a shaky breath and allowed him to come inside. When he entered, Angelina came out to the living room to see what was happening.

"George? Why do you look so pissed?" Angelina was about to tease him but she noticed tension. "What's going on?"

"That's what I want to know." George said looking at Alicia.

"Okay, okay!" Alicia screeched. "B-but don't be mad. Nothing happened."

"Alicia?" Angelina warned.

"Well, remember Fred's party? Well, Lee and I clicked-" George groaned and nearly gagged.

"You didn't!" Angelina gasped. "Please tell me you didn't!"

"Lee said it was the closest and you wouldn't mind-" Alicia tried to justify.

"You fucked on my bed!" George cried out.

"No!" She replied hastily. "Just snogged and then... A little more. Just oral sex."

"What the fuck!" George hissed. "Are you kidding me? My bed! I'm taking Lee's key away. You guys are so banned from my flat until further notice."

"Look, I'll talk to Lyra, I'll sort this out." Alicia told him.

"No! What did Lyra find?" Angelina asked.

George showed her the top that was clutched in his grasp. "Alicia left her top."

"To be fair, I had a few layers." Alicia spoke up.

"You better sort this out, Alicia." Angelina told her firmly.

"I know! I know! I'll get dressed. I'll go see Lyra." Alicia left for her bedroom.

"Unbelievable," Angelina scoffed under her breath.

"I dunno if Lyra will take me back after this." George sighed. "We keep fighting. It's like we are constantly at war with each other."

"As much as I think it's the weirdest coupling, you two love each other, we all see it. If the relationship is worth saving, you'll find a way through it. I wish Fred was as committed as you are." She sighed.

"Fred loves you, he is just scared." George told her.

"Of what?"

"Losing you. If he pushes you away, he thinks it'll save himself from hurt. He might not be ready for marriage, but he's ready to love you."

The Black Sheep | George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now