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Lyra hadn't heard any rumors spread for the forthcoming week. She had seen some girls from George's fan club give her dirty looks but no one said a word. She was very on edge, feeling like everyone was watching her. Siggy would stare daggers at her during lectures. Lyra just kept her head down as long as she could.

What the problem had been was when Lyra was walking by the courtyard, she noticed her brother talking to his friends. But it didn't seem like a happy conversation, Draco had on his famous snare. If looks could kill, his friends would be struck dead.

When she began to walk by the lot, she heard Draco shout Goyle's name and quickly a large body was blocking her way. She looked over at her brother with annoyance and anxiety hiding underneath the surface.

"I'm going to be late." Lyra told him flatly.

"For Binns class? I'm doing you a favor." Draco replied roughly. Lyra let her eyes roll at that.

"What is it?" She asked sternly, looking amongst his goons.

"I heard from a little birdy that you like snogging trash." He spat viciously.

She felt her body ice over with fear. But she tried her best not to show it, and to look confused. "What are you talking about?" Her hands grew clammy and her jaw felt like it was going to lock.

"Drake, I told you she was lying." Pansy spoke up from behind her brother.

"She?" Lyra felt like she was playing the part well, slowly growing upset. "What is going on? Someone tell me right now!" She stopped her foot. From the looks of them, they were fallng for it.

"Siggy Burrow," Pansy spoke up, causing Draco to tighten his jaw. "She said you snogged George Weasley."

Now Lyra's blood was boiling. "Siggy? That bitch." She growled. Causing them all to gasp to hear her swear. She never swore.

"Did you do it?" Draco asked, his voice getting real low. His eyes burning with pure rage and humiliation.

"Of course not!" Lyra replied hastily. "I would never snogged him. If anything we've spoke a few times but not snog! You know how mother and father would react to such a scandal!"

Draco seemed relieved. "We'll deal with that wench. She could have damaged our family name."

"She must hate me. Probably because I excel far past her." Lyra shrugged smugly. "Deal with it, or I will. And my method will be far from lady-like."

"We'll deal with that Ravenclaw." Pansy confirmed. "I'll talk to Daphne."

"Thanks, Pansy." Lyra shot her a smile. "Now I'm off to class." Lyra was shaking as she walked away. Absolutely shaking.

When she could. She pushed George into a broom closet. He went in to kiss her, but she shoved him away.

"Siggy told Draco." She replied with rage.


"Siggy told Draco that she saw us snogging." Lyra hadn't noticed how much this was weighing on her until she burst into tears. "She told him! I managed to convince them it was a lie. I'm quite the actress, I think it's my calling." She tried to add humor to levitate the rising of emotions. "But she could have ruined everything!"

"I'll deal with it." He told her calmly.

"No, Pansy is getting her gang on it. Just... look disgusted when you see me." She managed to say as she wiped her still forming tears away.

"I can't do that." He replied, leaning against the wall.

"Why not?"

"Because I like you too much. It won't look very convincing."

The Black Sheep | George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now