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Because Lyra has been trapped inside her bedroom, she was put on a special diet from her mother. It was strict and low carbs and fats. It was basically food for a gerbil. She was given small portions and he wasn't filling at all.

If Lyra was concerned, this was apart of the punishment. A terrible diet that made her never feel full. She heard racket outside her window. She eagerly looked out to see Draco on a new broom. His friends and him were playing quidditch, or a version of it with only eight boys and Pansy to the side cheering on Draco, helping his ego.

Lyra walked away, feeling the jealousy boil within her. She had lost so much weight and she could see if with her sunken in face. She could see her bones and she constantly felt fatigue.

She was sent her school books for the new year, she read them through already. She was bound to read them again for the second time.

She felt like a ghost of herself. And she truly was. She has contemplated jumping from her window. It seemed like a very attractive option. She wished to jump desperately. She has sat out on her window sill trying to gain the courage to jump but she always chickened out... Because she's a coward. A plain coward.

She heard the door click open for the first time in months. She had forgotten the sound. She looked over to the doorway to see her father. Her heart raced and she took a step back.

Lucius hadn't seen is daughter in three months. He saw dark circles under her eyes and her sunken in cheeks. She was paler and her clothes were baggy on her from the amount of weight she lost. Lyra didn't want to tell them her hair began to fall out as well from malnutrition.

He stood tall, not flinching at the sight of her. He wouldn't show concern, though he felt it, tiny trickles of shame flowed through him at the sight of his eldest child. But he was certain she learned her lesson.

"Your punishment is up. You may exit your bedroom. But you will not receive your owl until September first. Your mother has a gift for you in her study." He took a step forward and he watched her flinch. "Zoe Nott will be accepting you back into her friend group. Do not screw this up. You have a new defense against the dark arts professor. A righteous woman, Dolores Umbridge, she works at the ministry with me. You will treat her with respect."

"Yes, father." Her voice was hoarse from lack of use.

"You will gain some weight before going back to school. We don't need people to get a bad impression. I'll call our healer." He scanned her slightly. "Go,"

She rushed past him, or as much as she could with her weak legs. She took many breaks as she reached her mother's study. She wasn't physically strong enough to walk so much. She knocked on the door before entering the dark purple room. Her mother's favorite color.

She found her mother at her desk, she gasped at the sight of her child. She sprung up and helped Lyra walk over to a chair to sit down. "Oh darling." She said softly.

"Father's calling a healer." Lyra replied weakly.

"You will be alright soon enough." She tucked hair behind her ear. Lyra watched her mother walk over to her desk. She had a small smile on her face. "I have a surprise for you." She opened her bottom drawer and held up a emerald velvet box. "Come, come, your grandmother Druella gave me this when I was around your age. I want my sweet girl to have it."

Lyra got up weakly and approached her desk. She opened the box to see serpents circling abd getting entangled around an emerald gem. "It's beautiful."

She knew this was her mother trying to make up for her poor treatment, nothing more or less. She was trying to buy her forgiveness. It broke her heart that they couldn't just say it, it must be in materialistic form. It made it hurt more.

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