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Lyra had a dumb smile for the whole night. She didn't tell her friends what happened. She couldn't form any word. She'd make eye contact with George, he wore a knowing smirk, he seemed so coy.

Lyra tried her hardest to act like nothing happened, but it was hard when she kept replying the memory. It was a really good one.

She was sure it would be perhaps the only time he'd ever kiss her. Maybe Angelina dared him, and he just couldn't turn it down. She tried not to show him how much she truly enjoyed it. What if he told everyone? And laughed! But as she glanced at him, people laughed, but no one paid her any attention. Perhaps he wasn't telling everyone he got to kiss a Malfoy.

She just watched him pull out a strange looking pipe and go up the stairs to the boys dormitory with his mates, he winked at her as he climbed up them, but no one else looked at her. Was she safe? Was their secret safe? She had no idea.

However, it wouldn't be much of a gloat as they all hated her and her family. If anything, he'd be digging himself a hole. Lyra knew she'd feel that family shame later, but for now, she was soaking in this rare moment of joy.

The weekend went by in a haze, everyone talked about George streaking. Even Slytherin girls giggled at him. Lyra overheard girls saying his cock was decent size flacid and would love to see it hard. The boys would say it was small, size of a peanut shell.

Lyra walked with Terrence Higgs who surprisingly kind of became her friend in some way, at least they were friendly when going to class and he didn't taunt muggle-borns after she stopped him once. He seemed to respect her wishes when he was around her. She appreciated that greatly.

George on the other hand hadn't. All he could think about was to get that pretty Slytherin alone again. He was more hyper-aware about her. The way she smelled like honeysuckle, a little jasmine-y and a hint of vanilla. He grew to like the scent a lot. He would sneak a glance at Lyra, she left everything to the imagination from her high society training, dress modesty and act like a lady. Her posture was extremely good, it almost made George try to stand straighter as well.

He fantasized himself running his hand up her thigh, snogging her against the wall where everyone could see. He would make sure everyone noticed she was his little Slytherin. He had a very hot dream about her that made him have to take a cold shower the next day. But he just itched to touch her. Fuck... Do more than just touch her.

He noticed the way Terrence seemed keen to constantly join her side in the hallways, her brother never too far, he didn't seem happy to see Higgs getting close to his sister either. George watched as Terrence was snuggly explaining something about quidditch and heard Lyra giggle, it infuriated him to his very core. He was about to mock her to Fred when Angelina spoke up.

"Oh, for fucksake's." Angelina scoffed. "George, did she spike you with Amortentia? You've been drooling over her since Friday."

"Jealous, Angel?" George smirked flirtatiously.

Angelina scoffed at him once again with disgust. "I prefer older men." She wrapped her arms around Fred's waist, hugging him closer with a cheeky smile.

"And the more handsome." Fred added before pecking her lips.

"More like delusional." George muttered under his breath, but not low enough because Lee laughed.

Later on, Lyra exited her last class, she was eager to go to the library to study for an upcoming quiz. She felt like she wasted a day of studying by going to that party. She was in heavy thought when she felt a tug on her upper arm, she let out a small yelp as she's tugged into an alcove. She looked up to see the tall Weasley that made her heartbeat accelerate.

"George?" She questioned in a low tone. She peaked out to see if anyone was near. The corridor was growing vacant. He had placed his hands on her hips, drawing her back to him. "What are you doing?" She wondered for a moment if this was a mean prank or he was bewitched.

"I was going to kiss you." He replied with a smirk, trying to inch closer. He knew how to swoon, so he thought. He knew this could work. He just needed one more kiss to be satisfied for the time being.

"What?" She honestly couldn't believe him. They were drunk before, but now they were both very sober. "What are you playing at?"

"This isn't how I thought it was going to go." He admitted as he pulled back in realization his charm wasn't working.

"Are you trying to pull me into one of your pranks?" She peaked back out, looking for the other twin. But no one was paying any attention to her and the corridor was practically abandoned.

"What?" He was utterly puzzled. "Lyra, I thought you fancied me."

She looked up at him, unable to read him. She pressed her back against the alcove side, pulling away from his hands. "It's embarrassing," She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Embarrassing?" He was growing offended now and considerably upset.

"Aren't you embarrassed?" She asked him. "Stupid Malfoy fancies you. You must be laughing non-stop." She crossed her arms bitterly.

"I'm trying to tell you I like you." He blurted out, letting a small chuckle slip out.

She looked up at him with utter disbelief. "This isn't funny, Weasley." She let out a nervous laugh.

He leaned down to capture her lips once again. He picked up his pace, he enjoyed kissing her. Her lips were soft and she tasted like peppermint. He also got to get high off the smell of her. He couldn't get enough of her and he didn't mind admitting it. He smirked against her warm lips. He let out a small moan. Fuck, it was just so perfect.

He cupped her face, feeling her jaw. He felt her hands grabbing his jumper, keeping him close. He didn't plan on taking his lips off from her. She didn't seem keen on stopping either. Neither of them felt anything quite like it.

When they finally pulled away from each other, both of their lips were red and swollen. They smiled dumbly at each other. He felt Lyra run her finger across his cheekbone.

"I'd be killed if my dad saw me now." Lyra said, breaking the still silence.

"I think I'd be the one being killed." They shared a brief chuckle, before Lyra felt him playing with her necklace. She frowned at the sight of it. "Very... Slytherin."

"It was an apology." She replied flatly. "For the severe punishment." She gave him an awkward smile.

"I would have rescued you." He smirked. "I'd pop into your manor and save you from Mr. Malfoy, that wanker."

"Apparition isn't allowed behind the manor gates and I don't have the Floo Network connected to my bedroom." She told him. "There was no way you'd be rescuing me."

"Can't I just pretend I could?" He scoffed playfully, making her laugh.

"Sure," He gave her another chaste kiss. "I-I really have to go to the library."

"Right, we can pick up on our snogging later than." He winked before straighten his back, hovering greatly over her.

"I'll see you later, George." He watched her cheeks flourish bright red as she started walking down the corridor, leaving him with a racing heart and a hazy mind.

If the dialogue was sort of cringy, I wanted to try and capture teenage banter when you have a first love and want to impress them or try and sound romantic.

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