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All Lyra could think about was her father's words. She couldn't even enjoy her delicious Christmas dinner. She barely uttered a word when she was sent to her room for the remainder of the night, of course Draco got to join the men who smoked cigars and drank aged whiskey. Narcissa seemed to follow her daughter and go to bed.

Lyra paced her bedroom in her nightgown, hanging down at her ankles. She wrung her hands nervously as she played over and over what her life was to become.

She was even out of it as she joined the train back to Hogwarts. She sat across from George. Beside him was Fred and Angelina who was wrapped under his arm and stole occasional kisses. Fred loved public affection and didn't care how he made everyone around him feel. Beside Lyra was Katie and Lee Jordan. Alicia went to stay with her other friends, Katie was sure she was talking to Hannah Abbott.

"You alright?" George muttered under his breath, nudging her knee with his finger.

"Hmm?" Lyra hummed, breaking away from her heavy thoughts. Her hand fidgeting with her necklace. She smoothed her wool skirt down. "I'm fine, I'm glad to hear your father is much better."

"Yeah, so are we." George smirked. "Also glad to spend time with Bill's new hot girlfriend, maybe you've heard of her, Fleur Delacour."

"No way! Your brother is dating Fleur." Lyra gasped. "Such a pity she didn't chose you."

"Oh I have my eye on another bird." He replied coyly.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall has been on my list for quite some time. One of these days she'll go on that date with me."

That cause Lyra to laugh at him. She really needed a good laugh from her wretched holiday. "I expect an invitation to the wedding."

"I'm pretty sure McGonagall winked at me once, so I think you got competition." Lee taunted.

"Stay away from my woman, Jordan!" George shook a pointed finger at Lee with narrowed eyes, making everyone chortle at him.

"You'll have to make me."

"Both of you are ridiculous!" Lyra giggled. "Everyone knows she and Professor Binns have been at it for years." She tried to suppress her grin.

"Someone needs to teach that boring poltergeist a lesson." George said as he pounded his fist into his hand.

"Good on you, Georgie. Fight for your woman." Fred cheered on.

"Wait, has McGonagall really been with Binns?" Katie asked with a puzzled look, causing everyone to laugh at her. Her face burning crimson.

"I... I have to go powder my nose." Lyra stood up and smoothed out her skirt before giving George a knowing look and leaving the compartment.

"What a pretentious git, I have to go powder my nose. Bloody prat." Angelina scoffed as soon as Lyra was out of ear shot.

"Angie, do you have to be bitter all the time?" Fred groaned like a child.

"I think if you got to know her, you'd like her." Katie added.

"I'd rather be more aquainted with a toad." Angelina muttered. George's eyes hadn't left the door. That was their code that she wanted to see him in private. He got to his feet eagerly. "Where are you off to?"

"To powder my nose." George retorted before leaving.

He walked down the aisle to the toilets. He opened the small door and squeezed inside. Lyra was fixing her hair in the small mirror. She turned to face him as he shut the door.

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