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Lyra was stuck in a depressive state. She refused to answer any of her parents letters. She didn't want to at all.

The first task was happening that weekend and she was excited to watch and hoped she could enjoy herself.

But of course the school work kept building up. She still wore her SPEW pin, she rarely got picked on to her face, but she assumed she was laughed at behind her back.

She sat with her friends in the courtyard during a decent day. She had a hat on and her wool scarf. She had her jacket close to her body. They decided to get fresh air before an exam. They were revising like lunatics.

"Who do you think will win?" Lyra asked as she put her gloves on.

"Probably Viktor. He's so dreamy." Alicia sighed.

"Definitely Viktor, though it would be nice if Cedric won." Katie said with a smile.

"Yeah, I think so too."

"You never said what your father decided." Alicia stated.

"You can guess." Lyra sighed.

"Really? He said no?"

"I'm not happy about it either. Draco can snog Pansy in public and no harm done but if I am seen too close with a man I'm a harlot and a disappointment to the family name. Honestly it's ridiculous. Daphne Greengrass' parents aren't nearly as strict."

"What are they trying to achieve?"

"Keep me pure for my righteous husband." Lyra sighed. "First kiss and all. It's so ridiculous, putting my worth on my virginity."

"It isn't right."

"No it's not."

When the weekend rolled around, Lyra bundled in layers, trying to stay warm. This was the time she put on pants, she also brought a wool blanket to the stadium. She shares it with her two friends. The Weasleys have gone up and down the aisles, having people bet on the game.

"Ladies! Would you like to take a ticket?" Fred asked them.

"You shouldn't gamble." Lyra sighed.

"Come on, rich girl. Some spare change for the poor?"

She rolled her eyes and pulled out a galleon. "Nothing more. I bet on Krum."

"Excellent choice." George replied. "Couldn't pick a better choice."

"You know, the ball is in a month now." Alicia chimed in. "Better ask Angelina quick, Fred."

"Don't rush a romance master." Fred replied.

"Oh please, the only girl you've been with was me in our first year... for like a week."

"It was the happiest week of my life." Fred said with his hand over his heart.

They continued on, George glanced back at Lyra for a split second before continuing on.

"Such a shame." Alicia sighed. "You two would make quite a pair."

"Shut up." Lyra giggled.

They waited for the champions to come out. The first was Cedric, he used a Transfiguration spell to change a rock into a dog to distract the dragon. But as he went to retrieve the Golden Egg, the dragon turned and noticed Cedric, burning his beautiful face. But he prevailed in the end and retrieved the egg, completing his task.

The second was the beautiful was Fleur Delacour, she enchanted her dragon to sleep, making it easy to retrieve the golden egg,

Thirdly, Viktor Krum, ge used the Conjunctivitis Curse to blind the dragon and retrieve his egg.

Lastly was Harry Potter, who used a Summoning Charm to bring his Firebolt to him and manoeuvred past the dragon to retrieve his egg.

After the invigorating First Task, Harry and Viktor were tied for first place, with Cedric in second, and Fleur in third. It was still an amazing match nonetheless. Lyra almost forgot she won some money.

The Slytherins threw a party for the Bulgarians. The common room was packed with so many people. Lyra could smell alcohol and wished to stop everyone's fun. But no way she could take on these Bulgarians.

She noticed the man with scars sitting by himself, drinking possibly butterbeer, but she wasn't hopeful. She maneuvered over to him. "Congratulations!" She shouted over the noise. "I-I mean for your school!"

"Thank you! Nazdrave!" He raised his glass before drinking. Lyra guessed he said cheers. She nodded her head. She felt a little unwanted and odd. She decided to squirm away and just go study in her dormitory.

Sue could hear the racket from below, but didn't say anything. She just hoped they went to bed at a reasonable hour. The day was quite wild.

She settled in for bed. She was the only one in her dormitory going to sleep. She started to drift off.

She was in the Malfoy manor. It must have been summertime, why else would she be home. She was in her bedroom, the walls covered in floral wallpaper, her large bed and ottoman. Her wardrobe was twice the size of her school one. She had another connecting room she used as her personal study. She even had her own connected bathroom. She used to have a bedroom closer to her parents when she was real young, it was her nursery quarters. They still remained but she hadn't been in there for years.

She was sitting on her ottoman, she seemed to be reading something. What was odd was that another person was in her bedroom. She glanced up and saw George, he was going through her bookcase. She smiled big at him. He glanced her way. He was in his school uniform but in the dream it made sense and was overlooked.

"Come here!" Lyra giggled.

He happily strut up to her. He sat on the ottoman and wrapped his arms around her and began kissing her passionately. She ran her fingers through his hair. He was gentle and sweet and cupped her face as he grew quite passionate and heated.

"I love you." She breathed.

"I love you too." He replied.

Lyra woke up the next day with a start. She just had a romantic dream about George Weasley. That wasn't good at all. Oh no... She was certain she had fell for him.

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