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When Lyra wasn't found, Andromeda broke into a full panic. She searched everywhere, she couldn't find George or Fred. No one seemed to know where they ran off to. That was until she sat with Mrs. Weasley at the Burrow, blowing her nose and being pressured to drink her tea by the equally as stressed out Mrs. Weasley.

"I'm sure they are just fine." Mrs. Weasley said, but she didn't seem convinced herself.

"I-I can't lose her too." Andromeda sobbed into her tissue.

"You won't-"

The door burst open, startling them both. George had walked in holding Lyra's hand. Their hair was messed up from their nap, but they were both still smiling big.

"We are married!" George announced as Lyra giggled.

"What!" The women shouted.

George showed off the ring on his new bride's finger. "We got married this morning! We eloped!"

"George Weasley! You had us worried sick!" Mrs. Weasley reprimanded. "It's four in the afternoon and you turn up out of the blue to announce you got married! Are you bloody mental!"

"Sorry, mum, but it had to be done." George told her sternly.

"You-Know-Who was going to get me to have his baby." Lyra explained. "We had to get married quickly. I'm sorry we didn't tell you. But we couldn't have it getting out and be stopped by Death Eaters."

Andromeda got up and crushed Lyra into a hug. "I am so happy you are safe!" She pulled back at arms length. "I am in shock at your news. I can't comprehend it all at once. But at least you are safe and alive."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I hope you aren't too angry." Lyra said softly.

"It will pass. I am just happy to see you, dear." She pinched her cheek.


She continued to scream at the two. They lowered their heads in shame until she had finished, absolutely winded.

Andromeda tried to remain stern, but she was just relieved. She could breathe easier to know she was safe, just now married. She was still dressed in her wedding clothes, looking beautiful. Andromeda imagined Narcissa would die of fright at the sight of them, not knowing she was the one who suggested it.

Finally, Mrs. Weasley took a deep breath. "Now, sit. Lyra you look quite pale, I'll warm up leftovers, sit down the both of you." She busied herself angrily as Lyra and George sat down, occasionally exchanging glances.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Andromeda asked, letting the hurt leak through her voice.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. We wanted to tell as little amount of people as possible. In hindsight, perhaps I should have told you, no matter how mad the whole thing is." Lyra explained.

"Oh, it would have been stopped! But not by Death Eaters!" Mrs. Weasley injected from the stove, where two slices of her lasagna was being reheated.

"Mum, I know we are young, but this decision was more than about love. It was to protect Lyra. If we decide to go separate ways, we decided we'd get a divorce." George shrugged.

"Oh! A divorce! So I can say I have a teenage son who's a divorcee?"

"No offense, mum. But this isn't about you." George let slip. The room went silent. "This is about protecting Lyra. And I'll protect her with my life if I have to." He was stern and his narrowing eyes resembled his mother's very much.

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