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Lyra sat at her vanity, spraying herself with perfume. On her desk was a letter from George, it was short and sweet.

Dress like a prat. The door is open. See you there at 7:30. Xxx

She put on a nice black dress with some jewelry. It was the day before her actually birthday. She knew tomorrow wouldn't be nearly as fun as it would be tonight. He wouldn't tell her what they were doing. And she pried for so long in letters, but his lips remained sealed.

Lyra thought she could sneak out. Such a stupid idea, but her mother had long gone to bed and it would be a perfect time to sneak out and have fun with her handsome boyfriend. She didn't know what to expect, so she shaved a head of time. Just in case of course.

She grabbed her small dragon scale purse and put her wand inside and clamped it closed. She stood up and looked into her long mirror. She checked out her butt and back. She held her hair back with a red ribbon, just for George.

She then sighed and exited her bedroom. The sun was still up but the manor was dim. She hadn't seen much of Draco, she assumed he was outside on his broom. Merlin knows where Bellatrix was.

She didn't have to worry about being quiet, her bedroom was on the opposite wing from her mother's. She wouldn't know a thing. Lyra went down the many staircases and walked towards a room with the Floo Network.

"Where do you think you're going?" She heard Bellatrix question.

Lyra screeched and clutched her chest. Her Aunt was in a dark corridor, looking like she was hiding in the shadows. She looked like she was peering into her soul.

"I-I'm going out." Lyra replied, trying to sound confident.

"Does your mummy know where you're off to?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"I won't be gone long." Lyra replied, letting out a small laugh. "Just going to town."

"All dressed up, you are meeting a boy." Bella smiled darkly as Lyra's cheeks reddened. "Is he a Pure-blood?"

"Yes," Lyra replied quickly. "And he's very handsome."

She clapped her hands excitedly. "You may go. I won't tell Cissy. But you have to get better at sneaking around if you are going to do it often."

"Right. Thanks Aunt Bella. It means a lot." Lyra gave her a genuine smile before carrying on. Sometimes it was scary how much they resembled each other, yet they were drastically different.

She entered the room she was looking for and grabbed a handful of Floo powder before stepping inside and announcing her destination. She disappeared into the flames and reappeared in the Leaky Cauldron. All the patrons looked at her. She didn't recognize a soul.

She gave them a weary smile and exited the pub. She walked down the streets of Diagon Alley and it was surprisingly occupied by students and young adults, clearly going to theatres to watch plays or going to small hang out spots. She continued down the pavement until she was met with that purple building. But it had more elements of red now, and a giant figure of a red-haired man with a hat. She was amazed.

She went up to the door, she peeked inside. And saw a dimlight. She opened the door and a bell ring over her head. She shut the door after her and took a few steps forward, she could see many boxes stacked around, but there were lots of displays already set up and products on shelves.

She noticed a very red stand that seemed to have pink glowing potions. She took a step closer and saw there was love potions. She found that peculiar, but her cautionary self could only see how it could be dangerous if used incorrectly.

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