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In a stone cottage outside of London was a frantic family trying to get prepared for the train.

Upstairs in the house, shouting could be heard while two older siblings fought.

"Alfie! Stop torturing your sister!" George Weasley shouted up the staircase. "Hurry up! We're going to be late!" He checked his watch, shaking his head.

"Daddy! Where's my wand?" He heard a young girl shout down the stairs.

"Bloody hell, Poppy!" George bellowed. "You gave it to your mother to hold onto!"

"Oh yeah!" He heard the girl say before coming down the stairs with her pink trunk. "I cannot wait! My first year!"

"Stick with James, please." George said flattening her red hair, it was never calm. It was bushy like her mother's.

"Don't worry, I will be." Poppy said as she sat down on the bench in the corridor, waiting for her older brother. "Where's mum?"

"Oh yeah." George muttered. "Oi, remember to just listen to her alright? She's in her last trimester and she's got enough to worry about-"

Lyra stomped out of the kitchen with a snarl. "Alfie Arthur Weasley get down here right now! And if I catch one dungbomb in your pocket, I'll send you to stay with Granddad and Nanna Malfoy! And they have no telly! You'll be forced to read a bloody book during each holiday!"

"Hello, Darling." George said sweetly.

Lyra rubbed her large stomach. She winced as she felt the twins moving around. They were supposed to only have two children, but after a reckless night over a bottle of wine, Lyra found herself pregnant with squirming twins. A boy and a girl. She hoped they were nothing like their father. It was bad enough with the trouble Alfie got up to with his cousins Roxanne and Freddy. Of course leave it to Fred to make his child after him.

And after Narcissa's badgering, they must name one after a star or constellation. They decided the boy would be Orion and as George suggested, the girl will be named Georgia, because at this point Lyra couldn't care less! Georgia would do.

Lyra sat down beside Poppy and listened to Alfie run down the stairs, he was in his third year while Poppy was going into her first with James Potter. Lyra knew how nervous Poppy was, not because of what house she'll get put in, she was nervous over the classes. She believed she'd be lousy at spell work. Lyra and George tried to give her some confidence but she only frowned.

"I wish I'd get to see the babies when they're born." Poppy pouted.

Lyra pet her hair sweetly. "Oh darling, you will be fortunate. They'll be doing nothing but crying. You won't be able to sleep for months. You'll see them at Christmas. I'll send pictures and everything until then." She kissed her daughter's head. "Now, let's get going!"

They took a muggle bus to a more urban part of London. Alfie scared a few passengers with a charmed rubber spider. After a stern look from his mother, he picked it up and put it in his pocket.

"Nanna Malfoy keeps hoping I get Slytherin." Poppy said randomly. "B...but I want Hufflepuff."

"That might be more fitting." George agreed. "We'll still love you no matter what, but if you're in Gryffindor, I'll love you a little bit more."

"George!" Lyra hissed.

"I'm only joking, Harp." George wrapped his arm around his daughter and kissed her head.

Alfie was in Gryffindor which was very fitting. But Lyra wished he was a bit more studious. Him and Freddy decided to take over their dads' shop when they got too old. They've started thinking up new product ideas in their spare time.

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