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The first task was coming up. There was buzz everywhere. Lyra was still feeling stressed. She decided to take one day a week off from studying and homework and spend the day relaxing, even if that means sleeping all day or going to hogsmeade with her friends.

She started writing letters to both of her parents, of course the one was more formal, but she insisted that she be allowed to have a date to the ball as Draco was allowed to and had been boosting for days over it.

The letter to her mother was on her mental health and how she is trying her best and would prefer if her mother didn't stress her out more than she already is.

Her mother sent her calming potions in a parcel. Lyra didn't want to know how her mother got her hands on them. She was just happy she did.

From the letters, it seemed, Draco haven't said anything to their parents. Which made Lyra feel better.

"The ball is in three months!" Alicia squealed as they walked across the courtyard.

"I know, it's it exciting?" Katie replied. "Angelina is convinced Fred is going to ask her."

"Of course, they've made eyes at each other all last year. It's only fitting." Alicia stated. "Do you think Cedric will ask me?" She started laughing. "Only kidding, though I'd like that handsome bloke to ask me, him and Cho seem... Close."

"Really?" Lyra asked. "I haven't seen it reciprocated on his end."

"Oh, I have." Alicia said. "Loads of times."

"What about George?" Lyra asked. The two girls looked at her. "W-well I'm only curious."

"I don't know. Why? Do you have a crush?"

"Shove off!" Lyra scoffed, causing the girls to laugh. "I'm only asking. I'm curious, that's all."

"That's all?" Katie spotted the gingers talking to Lee Jordan. "Hey! George!" 

"Katie!" Lyra hissed. She grabbed her arm, trying to pull her out of the direction from the twins. "This isn't funny."

"Kate, come on." Alicia sighed. "This isn't funny!"

"What is it ladies?" George asked as the other two follow closely behind.

Katie gave Lyra a smirk as she looked petrified.

"Er-er..." Lyra staggered, having him look at her made her feel sick to her stomach.

"I have a question." Katie said, taking the reigns, making both girls relax. Lyra looked at her leather mary-janes. "Have you asked anyone to the ball yet? Do you have anyone in mind? Perhaps a black haired girl?" Lyra nudged her friend as hard as she could but her athletic friend acted like nothing happened.

George smirked at Lyra who avoided eye contact. "No, I haven't gotten a date. I am keeping my options open."

"It's three months until the ball, we've got time to ask people, don't we?" Lee asked, beginning to panic.

"Well that's fine, my father isn't allowing me a date." Lyra replied before feeling her stomach twist. "Not that you'd ask me. That's ridiculous I'm from a prominent family and a Malfoy. Not that that matters- not that you don't- I just... I... I..." She cleared her throat. "It came out wrong."

"Perhaps I want him to take me." Katie pipes up trying to cover for her friend but realized she made it worse. "Or Lee or Fred... Or Snape."

"Well, we have to go." Alicia stirred the girls away. "That was embarrassing for both of you."

"Why did you do that Katie?" Lyra hissed.

"Why did you speak?"

"I panicked."

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