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The night before the wedding, Lyra sat on the living room floor while her cousin painted her nails a pale pink color. Lyra was giggly and excited to have her nails painted. Uncle Ted and Remus talked in hushed voices in the kitchen and Andromeda was putting laundry away upstairs.

"Ready to see French prats?" Tonks asked her.

Lyra shrugged her shoulders. "I'm used to being around them. I hope it's not so bad. I've never been to a wedding before."

"They are an excellent excuse to get drunk." She smirked. "Drink for me, will you?"

"I promise I'll drink in your honor."

"There we are!" Tonks put on the top of the bottle and flicked her wand to dry her fingernails.

Lyra grinned proudly at her hands. "They are so pretty. Thank you, Tonks."

"Anything for my dear cousin. I'll have fun corrupting you. Speaking of corruption, show me your dress."

Lyra went a dark shade of pink. "Well... I was just going to wear this green dress I got for Slughorn's Christmas party."

Tonks got to her feet. "Let's see if it'll do." She took the lead, climbing the stairs before Lyra could stop her. She rushed after her, stuttering out excuses.

When she arrived to her temporary bedroom, Tonks' head was in the wardrobe stifling through Lyra's clothes until she found the green dress.

She whistled as she brought it out. "Very pretty. Quite scandalous, I approve." Tonks beamed.

"I-its scandalous?" Lyra gasped.

"You'll look hot in it, don't over think it goodie two shoes." She waved off. "George will have a tent in his trousers all night."

"Tonks!" Lyra hissed. "That's inappropriate! What if Aunt Andy overhears?" She quickly looked over at the doorway.

"She knows you lot are shagging." Tonks shrugged. "And if she doesn't, she's in denial." Tonks grinned mischievously. "Is he decent?"

"Stop it. I'm not answering that."

She burst out laughing. "I'm only teasing. Relax. Your face is so red, cool off, Grandma."

"Shut up." She muttered.

Tonks laughed again before Andromeda poked her head in. "Oi, it's getting late. We have an early morning, stop pestering Lyra and let her get some rest."

"Yes, mother." Tonks rolled her eyes. She put the dress back and turned Lyra. "See you tomorrow, man-eater." She exited the bedroom and head downstairs.

Lyra crossed her arms defensively as Andromeda stared at her. "Get to bed, dear."

"Yes, Aunt Andromeda." Lyra quickly replied before shutting her wardrobe doors. She turned around to see Andromeda gone. She let out a heavy sigh. Bloody hell.

The next morning, Lyra was ordered out of bed. It was the crack of dawn and Lyra tiredly got ready for the wedding. She spent an hour making her hair stay pinned and look nice. She then spent another hour on her makeup. By the time she walked downstairs, breakfast was over and Andromeda was making her a quick lunch.

When they arrived to Devon in the afternoon, the place was buzzing with exciting energy. There was a large tent outside the Weasley home. Lyra stepped inside and was in absolute awe.

Once she stepped inside, she was greeted with several rows of golden chairs set on either side of a long purple carpet. The supporting poles were entwined with white and gold flowers, they looked like lilies, but Lyra couldn't be sure. There were an enormous bunch of golden balloons over the exact point where Bill and Fleur would shortly become husband and wife. It was all... magical.

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