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Like always, Lyra woke up at eight in the morning to get ready for the platform. She sat at her vanity mirror and brushed the ends of her curls. She needed to leave soon. She had been putting it off, it's a horrifying thing, leaving your home. Leaving everything you know behind. She looked at her ring, blood red and a sign of her prominence.

She had her luggage in the foyer, ready to go. Her last year, it was bittersweet. Her mother had been emotional. The night she got back from George's, Narcissa was hugging Lyra and kissing her face. No one was going to tell her to stop, no, even Bellatrix kissed Lyra's face.

When she arrived at the breakfast table, she noticed her mother's red eyes. "There's my girl!" Narcissa jumped up and came over to hug her daughter close once again. "Draco, get the camera!"

Lyra noticed her brother roll his eyes, by his side was their father's cane. He got up and grabbed the camera off the table, it seems Narcissa came prepared.

Narcissa fiddled with Lyra's curls before angling herself next to her daughter, wrapping an arm around her. "My baby girl is growing up! Oh, Lucius would have loved to see you out. He would love to see you get on that train one last time." She kissed her temple before turning towards the camera. "Alright, I'm ready."

Lyra felt a tightening in her chest and forced a smile as her brother took the photo, light blinding her. She felt her mother squeeze her a little tighter. "Mother!" Lyra groaned as they were cheek-to-cheek.

Bellatrix jumped to her feet excitedly and clapped. "Oh! This is so exciting!" She came up to Lyra and grabbed her by the shoulders. "You will make this family proud. Once you graduate, you'll be carrying the Dark Lord's heir! I am quite envious of you, Niece. I imagine you are quite impatient to give the Dark Lord a child."

"I-I want to finish my education. It's important to me." Lyra rushed out, trying not to blanch.

"Just like your mother." She scoffed.

"I-I'm starving." Lyra stated, trying to get out of this uncomfortable situation.

She sat down next to Draco who seemed unhappy. He had been bitchy ever since he found out Lyra was invited to one of Slughorn's parties. Narcissa screeched with excitement when she heard, she then ran to her study to write to Lucius.

Lyra stuffed the sausage into her mouth and ate some of the eggs. She tried to push Voldemort out of her mind and focus on her first last day. It was sad. Lyra felt some tears that she had to choke down. This is her last first day of school. A chapter in her life is coming to an end. However, with that, another chapter opens.

She was nearly finished with her meal, listening to her mother rant on about how upset she was to have her baby leaving the nest when Bellatrix stared blankly, like under a spell.

"Bella?" Narcissa questioned. Bella quickly clutched her arm as if it burned.

"The Dark Lord asks for Lyra's presence. He's in his chambers." Bellatrix finally said, pulling herself together. Lyra saw jealousy flicker in her dark eyes once again. She was unhappy.

Lyra heard stories, she overheard Yaxley say that Bellatrix was sleeping with Voldemort. She heard disturbing rumors. But Lyra wondered if there was truth to them. Why didn't he just fuck a baby into Bellatrix? Why her? Why Lyra?

"You best be swift. Don't keep him waiting." Narcissa spoke up curtly.

"Yes, Mother." Lyra rose to her feet and sat her napkin down and exited the room.

Her heart was hammering in her ears as she walked down the corridor. She wore a long black skirt with a small amount of resistance by wearing red socks. The small amount of color made her feel defiant. If her mother wasn't in such a good mood, she would have been called out.

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