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Sunday, Lyra sat near the hearth with her two friends while they studied transfigurations. Lyra tried her best to ignore George as he walked into the Gryffindor common room, he and Fred got back from selling goods to some Ravenclaws. They occasionally swing by common rooms of other houses and formed lines outside the entrances.

Lyra felt her cheeks burn bright red when she felt his eyes onto her as he handed a bag of something to Seamus Finnigan. The night after he fingered her, she played it non-stop in her head and though she enjoyed it, they reached a new part of their relationship that she wasn't entirely sure she was ready for. She feared that now he'd expect lots of intimate touching, or more. She wasn't sure if she could give a handjob, she didn't know how. But she felt guilty like she had to repay the favor and she was drowning in inner turmoil.

"So, you didn't tell us how it was." Katie stated. "What did you do? What was up in the astronomy tower?" Her friend innocently pried.

Lyra gripped her textbook and began to feel her palms sweating. "We... Er... Well, he had candles lit and a blanket laid out with a bunch of treats! It was really romantic. He liked his snow globe. And we snogged a lot."

"Is that it?" Alicia questioned, as she watched Lyra hide behind her mane and refused to make eye contact.

"Did more happen?" Katie poked her arm before giggling.

"Don't be ridiculous," Lyra replied with a dry laugh. "more than snogging? In the astronomy tower? That's... That's inappropriate. B-besides Snape cut our fun short."

Alicia scoffed. "That cockblock. Honestly, just because he can't get laid, doesn't mean he has to ruin for the rest of us."

"He caught me kissing Terry Boot and gave us both detention," Katie mentioned. "he's honestly, the bloody worst. A greasy unfuckable prick."

"T-that might be a little too harsh," Lyra replied in a small voice.

The room slowly cleared out, first years went up to their dormitories, and soon only Neville, Seamus, and Dean sat in the farthest corner. They seemed to be talking about herbology, or Neville was, and they were taking notes to pass the upcoming exam they didn't study for. George noticed this while Angelina entered and joined Fred on the couch to snog in front of everyone. George found it as the perfect opportunity. He got up and joined the three girls on the floor, he wrapped his arms around Lyra while he got comfortable.

"Ladies," He greeted with a drawl.

Lyra felt her heart quicken with him near. She still felt nervous around him. She smiled up at him. "George," She greeted back.

"Did you shag in the astronomy tower?"Alicia teased before giggling, but she watched Lyra's cheeks grow crimson. "No! Did you?"

"I don't kiss and tell," George told her plainly. He gripped her hip and tugged her close to him. She looked up at him and he gave her a quick kiss, but it made her smile dumbly.

"Lyra, you have to tell us." Alicia was growing excited.

"You're making her embarrassed. It's okay, Lyra. But did Snape catch you two mid-shag?" Katie pried with a laugh.

"We didn't shag." Lyra nearly hissed before looking around hastily. "We uh... snogged." George wasn't going to tell if she wasn't, and he just smiled smugly and nodded his head.

The girls bit their tongues from prying further, though they very much wanted to. "It was a good night then? Even without the shag?" Katie asked with a playful smirk.

"Very," George replied cheekily. "We had lots of fun."

"Er, yeah. B-but no uh... shagging." Lyra was beyond nervous. "I-I should go. I uh... I got a thing." She packed her books in a hurry.

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