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Easter dinner was interesting. Her Aunt Bellatrix was far from a lady and far from graceful. She swore, and drank like Lyra only saw men do. She was amazed, seeing a woman act like this. Lucius wasn't pleased, but didn't say anything. She brought her husband, a skinny man. His name was Rodolphus, he was quiet, hardly said a word. He had long black hair and dark eyes, almost black.

Abraxas was at the table as well, but he retired early because he was tired, but it could be because he didn't like Bellatrix. But Lyra took this as a win. She felt her bracelet vibrate and she smiled at her plate and replied to his message. He was just thinking about her.

"I think Snape is untrustworthy, but if our master trusts him, who am I to deny?" Bellatrix said as she spoke to her sister.

Lyra and Narcissa hadn't talked since then, but she knew she'd have to speak to her mother and she dreaded it. She needed permission to go to Diagon Alley. She could ask her father, but he was more authoritarian and was more likely to say no. But her mother wasn't happy with her. Will Lyra have to lie or tell her a small detail to go? She dreaded it greatly.

"Lyra, sit up straight." She heard her father order.

Lyra did as he asked. She poked around her Easter dinner, waiting for dessert. When it came, it seemed Bellatrix found more to say. Lyra only half-listened.

When the meal was done, the children left the adults to drink and smoke. Lyra grabbed a cloak and went to the back garden. She walked her property, waiting for her mother's office light turn on, and it always did.

Lyra laid down on the fountain and looked at the stars. She could connect some invisible dots. She then thought about what she'd tell her mother. She wasn't so sure what she could say.

"Hi mum, I'm in love with a Weasley and I don't want to marry that French frog."

She'd die of shock. She could just tell her she was indeed seeing someone, and liked them very much. She had the throw her a bone.

It seemed every day Lyra was getting closer to answering her hardest question: should she stay? It broke her more and more that the answer was yes. But she couldn't let go. This was all she knew. She wouldn't leave until she had to. When it all was too much.

When she saw the light turn on, she got up and entered the manor. She walked the many dark corridors and went up many stairs until she reached the corridor to her mother's door. She knocked on it, and heard a soft reply.

Lyra opened the door, and saw her mother at her desk, writing a letter. She wore her reading glasses, her mother looked up with a frown. "You should be in bed."

Lyra shut the door and sat down in a dark pink chair before her mother's large desk. "I like a boy in a year ahead of me. We've snogged, a lot. And I really like him." Lyra admitted, to her mother's amazement.

"Oh," Her mother said softly. She was in disbelief. "Is he smart? From a good family? Is he a Pure-blood? Or Half-blood?"

"His family isn't wealthy, but they make do. He is really smart, though he hates academics. He doesn't work hard unless it benefits him. He's a Pure-blood." Her mother was frowning. "And I love him."

"You're sixteen, you do not love him." Her mother scoffed.

"I want to meet him in Diagon Alley. We plan to get lunch." Lyra replied, ignoring her comment.

"And you think I'm going to let you?" Her mother inquired.

"I was hoping. He's leaving soon. And I'm going to miss him."

"Lyra, I didn't want you to get attached to boys." Narcissa sighed. "There was a boy named Thomas, I was obsessed with him. Dreadfully so. I thought I loved him. But I had to say goodbye when we graduated. It was the hardest decision of my life. But, I was paired with a good man. I love your father with all my heart and I don't regret marrying him"

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