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The first day of classes were bearable. She was feeling the stress already. These were important days. She felt swamped. She felt so stressed out.

And it didn't help that she had late night assignments, she had to walk the halls with other prefects to make sure no students were out of bed. The worst of it was when she caught Daphne Greengrass and Blaise Zabini snogging behind a column, she took off five points. She tried not to vomit when she did it. They called her a prat, of course. But she wasn't going to have favorites like Snape obviously did.

Not mentioning how much work Snape put upon the students. Lyra had to write a long paper on one of the revisioned potions.

She decided she wanted to be a healer, and needed to do well in potions, transfiguration, herbology, and DADA.

The only nice thing that happened within the first weeks of school was the packages from her mum. Draco got lots of sweets, while she only got the good flavored beans, not the all, she didn't need to eat vomit while she's trying to study. And her mother packed her some beauty serums and stockings. And treats for Ellie.

The last letter she got was from her mother, telling her that her parents were proud of her and hope she put the Gryffindors in their place. Lyra realized she wasn't very power hungry as it seemed her father was when he was prefect. She got updates on her grandfather and how he has been in and out of St. Mungo's for his health. But was told not to worry, her grandfather was just seeking attention.

She wrote to her mother, telling her stresses and worries for the semester and her dislike for Professor Moody, as he had been very aggressive in classes and caused Draco distress by putting a spider on his face.

"Lyra?" Katie called before sitting across from her as other Slytherins gave her dirty looks. "Are you alright?"

Lyra looked up from her letter. "No, I am not. I am already up my neck in work. I am losing my mind and it's only the second week of classes."

"I understand. I feel extremely stressed. But perhaps things will get easier. Have you tried seducing Snape?" Katie asked casually as she reached over the grab some sweets.

"No, I haven't." Lyra replied, trying not to laugh. "But I will start considering it. What kind of man do you think he is?"

The two girls turned to face him as he walked down the Gryffindor table, only to snap at Ron Weasley. "Definitely an arse guy."

"You think?"

"Oh, I know."

"I don't think I have an impressive ass." Lyra sighed.

"You don't have great tits either, you're like a B cup."

"Thanks for that, Katie." She replied sarcastically.

Lyra heard one of the students began to panic while others laughed. She got up hastily and walked down the table with Katie following. A first year Slytherin had his tongue in a tight knot. The older students began laughing, but it ceased when Lyra approached.

The first year's eyes were welling with tears. "Oh, for fuck's sake." Lyra muttered. She turned to Pike, an older student, a prick. "What is this?" She noticed a wrapper in his hand and ripped it out of his hands. Of course. "Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes." She turned to Katie. "Please, Katie can you take him to the infirmary."

"Of course." Katie sweetly escorted the first year out of the great hall.

"Buzzkill, Malfoy." Like growled.

"Five points from Slytherin!" Lyra hissed.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "You'll regret that one."

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