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Though Lyra felt bloody awful she decided to stir clear of the Weasleys. She focused on all of her school work. She was easily absorbed in her school work. She'd spent time with her friends stressing over classes. They found a nook in the back of the library where Madam Pince rarely ventured.

"What does Duro do again?" Alicia questioned.

"Hardens an item." Lyra replied. "We should practice that one." She pulled out an apple from her bag and plopped it onto the table.

"Duro!" Alicia casted. It only halfway hardened.

"Go on, do it again." Katie encouraged.


Finally it was fully hard. Lyra picked it up and hit it off the table, it was hard as a rock. "Why would anyone want to use this?"

"No idea. But at least we can do it." Katie shrugged.

"Mostly," Alicia sighed.

"Well you hardened my snack." Lyra pointed out. "That's quite skillful. Don't beat yourself up. You did great."

"Transfigurations isn't my strong suit." She sighed.

"That just means you have to practice harder, and that's okay. I'm not gifted at Divination."

"How many actually are." Katie giggled.

"True," Alicia added.

There was a moment of silence before Katie squealed. "Can you believe it? Tonight Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will be here! I am so excited!"

"I am as well. I'm going to go to the ball with a Durmstrang man, just you wait and see." Alicia boosted.

"I wish to have a date. There's been no news from father. I don't think I'm allowed to go with a boy." Lyra frowned. "But, I'll still have fun. I don't need a boy to have fun. Though I hope you both get fit Bulgarian boys."

"More like men." Katie squealed.

Madam Pince emerged from no where. "Shush!" She hissed roughly before walking away.

The girls tried not to giggle hysterically.

That night, she noticed her friends have done their hair nice. They really wanted to attract the male eye. They stood, divided by house and year in front of the school's entrance. Lyra stood tall beside Zoe, who ignored her. She waited anxiously to see the guests. She was wowed when she saw a large carriage being pulled by Abraxan horses, they were ginormous.

Out stepped a giant woman, Madam Maxime. What followed her we're her students, all dressed elegantly. No way will any French man want to marry her when their women looked... Like that. Goddesses. It made her feel more insecure than normal.

Next came a giant ship from the black lake. It took Lyra's breath away. A bunch of burly students came out in furs, following their headmaster, Professor Karkarnoff. He looked horrifying. Their women looked tough, they could easily defeat Lyra in a fight. A large contrast to the delicate French students.

They were soon led to the dining hall. Everyone was anxious for where the students would sit. Lyra watched the selected french students sit with the Ravenclaws while the Bulgarians decided to sit with the Slytherins. Viktor Krum, who was a renowned quidditch player sat across from Draco, who seemed to gush about the World Cup, saying how they should have won, they were talented than the Irish. And how Draco was to go to Durmstrang but their mother didn't want him so far from home. He praised their purist headmaster and made fun of Dumbledore.

Lyra noticed among the new professors who will be staying were new faces among the professors, were ministry officials.

"Bagman is a joke." Draco scoffed. "Utter fool."

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