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She wasn't looking forward to classes. Professor Snape handed timetables out, she was handed hers and she scanned it well. She'd be carrying it around for a little while. She had potions with Gryffindors, wasn't a problem. She had herbology with Hufflepuffs. History of magic and Astrology would be solely Slytherins.

She saw the long list of classes, no defense against the dark arts on Monday. Thankfully. She was excited not to see Umbridge. She really seemed sour. Especially if Lucius liked her.

Lyra went to potions after breakfast. She saw Alicia and Spinnet were giggling and talking to each other. They finally glanced at Lyra as she entered. They seemed unsure what to say or do. They had no idea what she went through, but from her tired eyes, they got a sense of it. They watched her shake her hand out again subconsciously as she joined a Slytherin boy, a bloody quidditch player, Terence Higgs. He fixed his dirty blond hair, whether he liked her romantically wasn't the point, it was her status that mattered.

"Good morning, Lyra. Have a good summer?" He asked before class started.

"No." Lyra replied flatly. "You?"

"Can't complain." He shrugged. "Quidditch is on this year, are you trying out?"

"No, no I am not." She replied with a forced grin. "What are you trying out as this year?"

"Well, I know your brother will be getting Seeker, I thought about trying out for beater."

"I hope you get it." She replied stiffly.

"I'm told I'm fit enough to be one." He shrugged cockily.

"Perhaps," she responded. Missing the mark for him to be flirtatious.

Class started and Snape looked incredibly more tense than ever. "Today we will be discussing Amortentia, now I know none of you have the capability of producing it. It's incredibly temperamental and not every skilled potioneer can produce it successfully... You all should be taking notes." Everyone scrambled for a quill, though Lyra had it all out, ready. Knowing him well by now. She could read him well, if he's having a good day or bad day and currently it's a bad day. "Ten points to Slytherin for Miss Malfoy not being dim-witted." He started writing on the blackboard. "Amortentia, the most powerful love potion, known to man. What are some of it's characteristics- Miss Malfoy?" He hadn't even turned around.

Lyra was still scrapping down notes rapidly. "Er, it's pearl-like sheen, sir."

"Ten points to Slytherin. What else? Miss Bell?"

"Uh... It's pink?" Katie said panicking.

"No," He cut in. "Five points from Gryffindor. Another?"

"It's steam spirals, sir." Lyra spoke up again.

"Correct, and the final one?"

"I-It's scent varies based on what the person likes." Lyra added.

"20 points to Slytherin. You are correct, Miss Malfoy on all. It seems someone had paid attention to the readings." The Gryffindors began scoffing. "20 points from Gryffindor." He took a lid off from a small cauldron. "Now, Miss Malfoy, as it seems you are the only competent student here, please come forward and tell the class what you smell in particular."

"Yes, sir." She nervously stepped in front of the class, her heart racing. She could hear students whispering angrily. She glanced at Katie Bell who looked very bitter. Hopefully not at Lyra but Snape. She saw the spirals, it was so beautiful and... Alluring. "I smell... Old wood, lavender, rain, campfire...and..." What was that last smell. It was so familiar. Like a farm maybe? "A farm..." She took a step back, the class giggled at her as she swallowed a lump in her throat. The fire smell and the farm was from one person and one person only.

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