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Numb was the only feeling Lyra felt in her bones, that and guilt. Her mother never responded, but the way the Slytherins looked at her with disgust, said it all.

She started getting threats and taunts. She had to put jinxes on her belongings so the other girls didn't torment her further. They used paint to write "DIRTY WHORE" on her end bed board. She got notes stuck to her back and started getting jinxes thrown at her in the hallways. She was starting to fear sleeping just in case she got hexed.

She felt so lonely. She only had Alicia, it seemed not even the Gryffindors wanted anything to do with her. She thought she'd at least have them, but they believed she was just a spy for the death eaters, pretending to be good to gain allies. It was stupid.

George sent letters, but she didn't read them. Andromeda sent one back, saying that she was welcome to come to her home during the holidays and spend the summer with her. Lyra didn't want to be a burden and decided to spend Christmas at Hogwarts.

She stopped going to the Slughorn dinners, so she didn't have to see Blaise or Nott. Her grades started to slip, she didn't even turn in an assignment, an essay for Professor McGonagall.

Because of that, she got held back to have a talking to. She had dark circles under her eyes and looked deathly pale. She was mauled with the guilt that she may could have saved Katie if she just wasn't selfish and spent the night with George. She felt shame for putting her boyfriend over her friends. She felt like this was all her fault somehow.

"Miss Malfoy, I am quite appalled by your latest work. You are one of my best students, I dislike the idea of seeing you fail." Professor McGonagall said sternly.

Lyra nodded her head and struggled to speak, she itched her back only to feel paper. She felt her throat close as she tugged the parchment free. She felt her cheeks turn bright red.


She tried her hardest to hold the tears back, but her bottom lip trembled. Professor McGonagall snatched the paper from her hands, and pulled her lips into a tight line at the words.

"I see, I assume this is the reason for your past behavior. You are being tormented by your classmates."

Lyra bit her lip and nodded her head, her eyes welled up with tears. "And it's all my fault Katie got hurt." She broke into a sob.

"What on earth do you mean?" She asked firmly, shocked to see Lyra's breakdown.

"I-If I was there, I could have saved her. I could have done something."

"Stop your crying. You are being ridiculous! What could a seventeen year old do against dark magic?" Lyra shrugged her shoulders in response. "Nothing, you could have done nothing. No reason to beat yourself up over something that has happened in the past. I'm positive when Miss Bell recovers, she won't see you at fault either." Professor McGonagall stood taller. "Now, who are the students who would say such cruel things?"

"I-I dunno, Professor." Lyra replied as she wiped her eyes. "My housemates have been doing this, but I'm sure others have chipped in. Last week a Gryffindor shouted profanities at me in the corridor."

"I will not stand for this. I will talk to Professor Snape about this unacceptable behavior. If you know a student in particular, do not hesitate to inform a teacher."

"Thank you, Professor." She muttered. "I should go."

"Very well," Lyra went to walk away but the sound of McGonagall's voice halted her. "Oh, and Miss Malfoy, do not believe these wicked things. It says more about them than it does about you."

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