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Fred, George, and Lee slouch over a journal filled with different invention ideas. They've been peeling over it non-stop, ignoring most of their school responsibilities except when certain lessons came handy for them to apply to their craft. Lee mainly joined even if he wasn't too much help. The Weasleys still enjoyed his company as their best mate.

Since the Yule Ball, George felt quite conflicted towards Lyra Malfoy. He found her fit, but he wouldn't say he fancied her. She proved she wasn't entirely a stick in the mud at the ball, but for the rest of the night, he saw her with Katie Bell or talking to Theo Nott, an annoying Slytherin. George was a confident lad and a huge risk-taker, but it seemed easier for him not to ask her to dance and not risk the embarrassment of another girl's rejection.

George used to truly fancy Alicia Spinnet, but this year has been different. But nonetheless, he thought about asking her to the ball anyways. What a terrible idea that was. But he often tried to feel better by telling himself he needed to focus on his future shop he's going to open with Fred. They've poured in too much time and ideas to get sidetracked.

He looked over to the entrance to the Gryffindor common room to see Katie walking in with Lyra and Alicia. The three girls were talking solely about potions class. They seemed in agreement that Snape was an arse. Or at least Spinnet was by the way she listed off every name she could think of.

George noticed how different Lyra was compared to them. She didn't look like she fitted in, one: she's a Slytherin and a Malfoy but two: she wasn't interested in quidditch and the other girls were. He only ever saw Lyra in the crowds occasionally-but then again he never was actively looking for her. He didn't understand what they could possibly have in common.

They sat down by the fire, still in a very indepth discussion. Alicia seemed stressed out, perhaps realizing she made several mistakes while listing ingredients for a particular potion. George rested his eyes on Lyra, he noted she always looked like she had somewhere important to be by the way she dressed. Like she always had a formal dinner to attend to. He also have rarely-if ever seen her wear trousers. Which was weird.

He hated to see her after the odd dream he had of her after the yule ball. He'd never tell Fred from embarrassment- he'd most definitely be picked on for a dream about a Malfoy! They snogged in his bedroom at the Burrows. It was so odd and weird. He had never thought of her in that way. She was a rich prat if he was concerned and uptight as hell, why was he having romantic dreams about a bookworm? He shuttered as he finally looked over at his brother and friend who were no longer talking he realized and we're fully looking at him.

"Like the view, Georgie?" Fred teased. Lee started laughing.

"Three cute women, which one to pick from?" Lee taunted. Pointed at Alicia first. "Eenie, meenie, miney, Malfoy."

"Shut up, Lee. You know I'm saving myself for your mum." George replied.

"Mate, get in line." Fred said.

"You're ridiculous- I dare you to flirt with Malfoy." Lee cackled.

"Oh that'd be a joy to get kicked in the balls, thanks for the suggestion." George scoffed.

The three girls looked over to catch the boys looking at them. George looked down with heated cheeks as Fred decided to wink at them, only to cause George to elbow him.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer!" Alicia scowled. "Pervs,"

Lyra looked back down at her potions book. "You aren't stupid, Alicia, ignore Snape. He's a jerk." She looked down at her notes. "Okay, which ingredients is NOT in a Befuddlement draught? A) scurvy grass, B) lovage, C) sneezewort, or D) salamander blood?"

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