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Lyra sat on her bed holding a vial of a purple liquid. Her infertility potion. She sneaked out late at night to get her potion, Mr. Borgin didn't seem bothered by her late arrival. He was happy to get his payment. She put it in her purse with a bottomless pit of room. She would use it when she had to.

Her parents never found out that she went to George's flat party. They didn't seem to notice her absence at all. They had more pressing issues at hand. When Lyra woke up around midday, she head home. George was sweet enough to kick everyone out if his room and he laid Lyra down on his bed, she smelled strongly of alcohol and struggled to stay awake. George would continuously check on her to make sure she was okay.

When she made it home, the entire place was silent. It was creepy. It was artificial silence. She found her mother, Aunt Bellatrix and Draco at the dining table, seeming to be upset.

When Lyra asked what was wrong, she was told her grandfather had passed away. She felt relieved and saddened at the same time.

Lyra stood up from her bed, head to toe in black. She had on a black silk fascinator with a birdcage veil attached to it. She was allowed to wear high heels now that she is a woman. She exited her bedroom to meet her family downstairs. Everyone seemed saddened.

At the funeral home, Abraxas was laid out in his sleep black coffin. He looked so peaceful, like he was sleeping. Lyra and Draco walked up to his casket. She looked her arm around his as she saw his bottom lip quiver. Lyra felt sadness, but the man she knew died long ago. She started rubbing her brother's back.

"He's with Grandma now." Lyra told Draco. He nodded his head and struggled to keep his tears at bay.

The funeral home was filled with family and friends who traveled long distances to see him one last time. His former mistress was weeping into her silk handkerchief.

Lyra was tugged into a line so people could walk up to her and pay their respects to the family. Many were old and Lyra didn't know any of their names. A few times she was called Bella instead of Lyra. She gave up correcting them.

Narcissa was weeping as well. Her children tried to comfort her, but to no prevail. She kept muttering "Poor Lucius,"

After the wake, they went to the Malfoy cemetery to lay his body to rest. Flowers were around him. Everyone stood around. The priestess stepped up towards the grave.

"Welcome friends and family, today we lay Abraxas Malfoy's body to rest. He shall be reunited with his late wife, Celeste. Mr. Malfoy was a father, a brother, a husband, a grandfather, a friend and so much more. He will be greatly missed but not forgotten..." The Priestess said to the crowd.

Lyra felt her eyes start to sting. Tears started to pool down her face, she bit her lip, trying to fight any sob. She was surprised to feel Draco wrap his arm around her. She leaned her head against him. At least her grandfather didn't see his family torn apart from embarrassment and war. He didn't have to see Lyra leaving the family and see the announcement of her dating a Weasley. He wasn't there to see the family name fall further from grace.

After the funeral, there was a late lunch at the Malfoy Manor. Lyra sat alone, poking around her plate. George sent her a letter, sending his condolences. She liked how the letter smelled like him.

She watched Draco talking to some distant cousins from France. He was always the best at French. His cousins made him laugh and they seemed to be getting along swimmingly. She didn't feel like socializing with anyone.

Lyra waited for it to get late to slip into her brother's room, he was reading a sport magazine on his lounge couch. He seemed surprised to see her.

"Ever heard of knocking?" He grunted.

She sat on the edge of the couch with her nerves swirling her stomach. "Draco, I-I think we should leave." She admitted.

He sat up, his interest bring piqued. "Leave? What do you mean by leave?"

She looked down at her hands nervously. "I mean, we leave here. War is going to break out and I don't want you in the crossfire. You're being pulled right into the center of it. It's not right. This isn't right."

"What isn't right?" He was starting to get annoyed. "Are you just jealous because I was given a more important task than being the Dark Lord's whore?" He spat. "I was chosen! He trusts me!"

"You're sixteen! You're just a boy."

"I'm the man of the house!" He shouted at her. "I'm doing the right thing. I-I'm protecting you and Mother."

"It's not too late, Draco. We can leave. We can be safe." She tried to press.

"You want to become a blood traitor." He stated plainly. "You want to bring dishonor to our family."

"I want to save you, Draco! You're going to end up killed. You are given this task because the Dark Lord sees it as a punishment to Father. You are paying for our father's mistakes. He doesn't trust you, he doesn't favor you, you are just a pon in his game."

"Get out!" He shouted, his face twisting up in anger. "Get out, you glamorized whore!"

She got to her feet, trying not to yell back at him as tears started to form in his pale eyes. "Succeed or not, he wants you dead." She left his bedroom without a second glance. As soon as the door closed, tears started to form in her own eyes. She let them spill down her red cheeks. It seemed she'd have to leave alone.

Sorry it's so short.

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