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Lyra heard Draco boast all day long, it was neverending. He got to watch the quidditch World Cup while she had to stay back practicing mozart.

She hated it too. Katie was going and she really wanted to see her. But no, she had to rebel. She tickled the ivories for what felt like forever. That voice screamed in her head for it to be perfect. She grew upset when she messed up or had to take her time.

She was sick of the piano by noon time. She was thankful Minky called her for lunch. She joined her mother for the midday meal. She was reading Witch weekly. She finally put it aside and wore a faint smile. The house seemed more quiet without the males.

"I have some news." She sang as she stirred her tea.

"What is it, mother?" Lyra asked eagerly.

"Hogwarts is putting on the Triwizard tournament." She was trying her best to stay composed and proper. "Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic will be attending in a few months. Though, only students over seventeen can put their names in. But you can attend the yule ball, even fourth years. So be kind to Draco. Don't embarrass the boy."

"Mother, are you serious? Our school is putting it on? That's splendid. How exciting! Does that mean I may have a date to the yule ball? Did father say I was allowed to go with a boy?"

"I'll talk to him, don't worry. Your fifth year will be so stressful with the responsibilities as a Prefect and your OWLs. You deserve to have some fun."

Lyra got picked to be a prefect. No doubt Lucius spoke to Professor Snape. No way would she have had the opportunity to be otherwise. She was a great student, but wasn't particularly noticable.

"Does that mean I get a dress?" She beamed.

"Yes, tomorrow we'll get you fitted. You will be looking like a queen. No one will have a dress like yours."

Lyra smiled to herself and started poking at her meal. She was to be going to the Yule ball, how exciting.

"Wait, mother. The Triwizard tournament is dangerous. Remember the last time we hosted? The death toll was extraordinarily high."

"Professor Dumbledore has insisted the school has ministry officials supervise." Her mother took a modest sip of her tea. "Do not forget about your OWLs, Lyra. You must excel in each course."

"Why? I'm not going to get a job." She grumbled.

"You are from the best wizarding family, you must show others. You need to continue to be an excellent student. You know that, Lyra."

"I-I want to get a job." She admitted, causing her mother to choke. "I want to be a healer I think... Or a magizoologist. I admire Rolf Scamander, he says I have a talent with animals."

Narcissa rolled her eyes. "Lyra, you aren't to be a magizoologist, how embarrassing. It's not proper."

"So? It could be fun!"

"No, Lyra. How would your husband feel about his wife running off chasing unicorns?"

"It's not about him."

Narcissa narrowed her eyes at her daughter. "No, now I suggest you get that silly idea out of your head."

She didn't want to get the silly idea out of her head. She wanted to be more than a stupid housewife.

But on the contrary, she was excited to go to diagon alley again. The first trip was to collect her school supplies and new robes and clothing. She got pretty cashmere jumpers and new pairs of nylons because a lady never shows her legs naked. But this time it was solely for a ball gown.

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