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Lyra walked into the Great Hall during her free period, professors walked down the rows of students. Professor Umbridge gave the most snootiest looks.

Lyra watched as the toad made her way towards the Slytherin table, Lyra internally groaned at the sight. She glanced over to the Gryffindor table to see George, he was working on his potions essay and looked like he was nearly tearing his hair out. He looked up to ask Katie what she wrote when he caught Lyra in the corner of his eye. He looked up at her, making her heart race. He gave her a smirk, and she replied with a smile, but it was the blush on her cheeks that he noticed.

George told Fred that he finally kissed Lyra. He had no idea what he planned to do. Currently, he liked taking her away from that blithering git, Terence Higgs and give her a proper snog. He watched her join that stupid Higgs. He greeted her shortly, she got right to work, ignoring how he constantly tried to find a reason to talk to her. George hated how he was more aware of how they interacted with one another. Higgs seemed to be a right prat all the time. One time George caught him flexing his muscles, trying to impress Lyra on how fit he was. He could see her trying not to laugh, but it still agitated him and may had led him to give her a very heated snog. He didn't stop until he hears her let out a small moan that sounded like music to his ears.

Lyra felt George's eyes on her, at least she thought his eyes were on her. For the past few days, he seemed keen on throwing paper birds at her head, all notes telling her to leave to a particular corridor. He was clearly bored and wanted to snog. But Lyra was keen on getting work done today.

Lyra was correct to assume he'd hit her with another. It hit her on the back of the head. She scoffed this time. She really needed to finish her studies. She leaned back and picked up the paper.

"What is it?" Higgs asked, trying to watch her open it.

"Er, nothing." She pulled away from him and opened it discreetly.

"A love letter?" He snorted, though jealousy was in his tone, Lyra didn't pick it up thankfully.

"Something like that." She replied.

"I'm bored, we should snog xx" George sent.

Lyra grabbed a piece of parchment and told him she really needed to do homework and let the charmed paper fly away. It wasn't long after she was hit in the head again.

This time he replied: "pleeeeeease?"

She turned around and stared directing at him. He puckered out his bottom lip. She shook her head and turned back to her paper.

She felt a tap a few moments later. She was completely annoyed and couldn't believe his boldness. She quickly whipped her head around, prepared to give him a lecture, but it was a nervous first year. Behind this young boy was a bunch of other students looking completely shocked. She understood why, not many strangers approached a Malfoy.

"I-I was w-wondering if you could help me with m-my homework..." She watched this young Ravenclaw boy lose color in his face.

"Get going, kid." Higgs growled.

"No, no." Lyra spoke up. "It's alright. Come on, show me what you need help with." She got up from her spot. The kid's eyes lit up and ran over to his table. She followed him. The young students looked absolutely in disbelief. Lyra bent over to look at the child's piece of parchment. She noticed the herbology book and smile. "You came to the right person, herbology is my favorite subject." She shot the kid a smile.

Pike and Marcus Flint started snickering. They had a perfect view of Lyra's ass, but what caught their eye was her garter belts holding up her stockings. It wasn't meant to be sexy, but practical so her stockings didn't fall down. Her mother had her wearing them since she was young. But all the teenage boys saw was lingerie.

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