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Summer was coming to an end, Lyra had her bags packed and ready to go. She had snuck out of the manor many times to spend time with George. It was going to be hard being away from him for so long.

One summer night, the humidity was still thick in the air and caused Lyra's hair to grow even more bushy. It took a whole bottle of hair product to calm her frizz to a small degree. She had sweat running down her temples as she sat in a dim pub with George. She wore a linen dress, trying to combat the heat, but she still felt like she was stuck on the sun.

It was the end of August and September was creeping upon her. This would be her last date with George until when she was allowed to go to Hogsmeade. George said they'd spend the Hogsmeade weekends together. He planned for them to get the honeymoon suite, who would go to that village for their honeymoon? No idea.

They had a pint together and some chips. Lyra held onto his large hand as they teased each other.

"I bet you're going to enjoy having time for your side piece." Lyra jested.

George snorted as he lifted his glass tankard. "Yeah, she's been getting lonely. But Mcgonagall knows her place."

Lyra burst into laughter, filling the quiet room and causing eyes to fall on them in the process. It was all the old, drunk regulars. Nothing out of the ordinary. They didn't even know who they were.

"That slag," Lyra replied as she took a drink.

"Be easy on Minny. She can't help being attracted to me."

"I should tell you, I have a side piece as well. Mr. Weasley is proper fit."

He gagged, making her giggle. "Ew, come on, Harp!"

She leaned back in her seat and shrugged her shoulders. "What can I say? I like older men." She winked.

"Ah! Mr. Weasley, I presume." An old man came up to them. Lyra nearly gasped, it was Mr. Slughorn.

"Yeah, Hi, Mr. Slughorn, sir." George replied, shaking his hand politely. "I heard about the news, glad Hogwarts has a proper potions Professor." Lyra has no idea how George knew Slughorn but she assumed Slughorn was friendly because he was a social climber. He liked keeping successful people close. When George caught Horace glancing at Lyra, he saw it as an opening to know off his brilliant girlfriend. "This is my girlfriend, Lyra Malfoy, she's a seven year this year."

Horace shook her hand, she noted that he felt like cold leather. "Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you." Lyra replied politely. "I am excited to learn under you."

He seemed to just process that she was a Malfoy and looked weary. "A Malfoy? I thought Lucius only had a boy."

"A common mistake, I'm his eldest. Don't worry, I'm nothing like him." She said letting out a weak laugh.

"Lyra, is absolutely brilliant!" George praised. "She's gifted in potions, I swear it. She wants to become a healer, I think she's going to become very successful one day. She's very ambitious." Lyra started catching on to what he was doing. She mentioned to him how she didn't feel confident that she'd be invited to Slughorn's club, even though it'd bring her opportunities.

"Oh, really?" Slughorn asked her.

"Yes, sir. I love potions in particular, I used to help Madam Pomfrey make healing potions and medicines in my free time." Lyra spoke up.

"She brewed Veritaserum last year in her spare time." George praised.

"You say you're a seven year this year, yes?" Slughorn asked her.

"Y-yes," Lyra staggered nervously.

"I have a very exclusive club, I plan on starting up again. I hold dinner parties and a Christmas party with many famous faces for you all to meet. I would like you to join."

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