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The first Hogsmeade weekend trip was coming up very soon, everyone was chattering excitedly, including Lyra. She'd be with her loving boyfriend soon, he said how Lee Jordan would be taking his shift to help Fred while he was away.

They got a room at the Three Broomsticks Inn, they managed to get a nice room, paying extra for silencing charms put on the walls.

Before the trip, Lyra was filled with anxiety, she wanted to ask Draco one last time to leave with her before she makes to decision to officially leave the family, though it would be awkward, still being at school with him and all the Slytherins who would definitely hate her for her choice.

She stood, pacing an empty classroom for her brother to show up, when he did, he looked worse.

"What?" He asked impatiently.

She tried not to give him a look of pity, but it was difficult. "I-I can't see you do this to yourself, Draco. You look awful and I do not care what you say! You are my little brother and I love you. I want you to be safe. Please, I beg you, let's leave together."

He grew furious again. "Not this shit again!"

"Please! Draco! We can leave!"

"Then what?" He hissed in her face. "Leave mother? Disappoint our family? Put a bloody target on our heads? Why can't you just behave and do as you're told? The Dark Lord has chosen me, he favors me and he favors you. How are you so ungrateful?"

He was just as brainwashed as their mother, or maybe he was just lying to himself to keep himself from crumbling to pieces.

"Because he wants to rape me." She told him flatly, watching him flinch. "He forced me to kiss him and wank him off! Why can't I be obedient? Because it means being violated by a monster!"

"He's our Dark Lord!"

"He is a monster who made a girl who is sixty years his junior wank him off! He wants to fuck me, Draco. Would you let him fuck you? Huh? Would you let him shove his cock down your throat? No, you wouldn't."

"I thought he was just going to use you once." He said in a small voice.

"Men in power don't just take advantage of their power once, they will do it as many times as they can."

There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. "I'm not leaving, and neither are you. What I'm doing is for our family, I am keeping us safe. You will do your part and please our Dark Lord and that's that." He left, not leaving room for any more of her protests.

Lyra sat at a dusty desk and let tears roll down her cheeks.

When it was Saturday, Lyra tried to perk up. She put on her warm clothes and met Alicia and Katie at the entrance hall. It was extra cold out, even if it was early October. Lyra shoved her gloved hands into her wool coat pocket.

"I can't believe you're ditching us to be with your boyfriend." Katie feigned annoyance. "Can't we have a drink first?"

"We'll get a drink tomorrow, I promise. I haven't seen him in so long and I miss him dearly." Lyra replied.

"She's going to shag." Alicia giggled.

Lyra's cheeks burned bright red, she had shaved her entire body and was wearing a sexy matching set of undergarments. Her bra was a deep red and lacy.

"Shut it. We're probably going to talk most of the time." She lied.

They walked down together along with a large crowd of people. Lyra noticed Ginny under Dean Thomas' arm, they seemed to be flirting non-stop.

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