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Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour opened back up for the summer. It was now run by his daughter after his abduction by Death Eaters.

Lyra sat outside the storefront at an umbrella covered table. She had an ice cream Sundae with Alicia and Katie. It was a very warm day and Lyra could feel sweat running down her spine.

Katie seemed to have a giddy smile, like she couldn't wait to share something. Before Lyra could ask, she blurted it out.

"Do you know that boy I was dancing with? At the party?"

Alicia and Lyra exchanged a glance but Alicia seemed to know more as her smile grew large.

"Yes, do go on Miss Bell." Alicia replied.

"Well... I've seen him around but I've never really gotten to know him. He graduated with you two, his name's Graham Romsey. He was really sweet. We are going on a date tomorrow- here actually. I cannot wait!"

"That's great!" Lyra exclaimed. "If he makes you uncomfortable at all, just apparate away. I'll kick his arse too."

Katie blushed deeply. "I don't think he will. He's a proper gentleman."

"Are you guys going to shag?" Alicia teased.

"No!" Katie growled with embarrassment. "Shut up! It's my first real date. I'm really nervous."

"Just be yourself. If he doesn't like it, it's his loss. You are a great catch." Lyra grinned.

"Thanks..." She clearly wanted to now talk about something else and take her mind off her date. "Have you heard from St Mungo's?"

Lyra shook her head with a frown. "No, unfortunately." She sighed grimly.

"I'm sure you'll hear back soon." Katie replied. "Summer has just started after all."

"Yeah," she poked around her sundae.

"George has been looking for a flat, I heard." Alicia blurted out. "Angel said Fred and him had a massive fight, the biggest she had ever seen. I heard things are still rocky."

"George sent me a letter. It sounded like Fred was just trying to hurt him. You know how arguments can be. You don't mean it, you just want to hurt them back." Lyra replied.

"Do you think they'll have a massive falling out and not speak again?" Katie questioned nervously.

Lyra shook her head. "No way, they'll work through this. I'm sure of it."

When she arrived home, she had two letters: one from St Mungo's and another from Mrs. Weasley (how peculiar).

She scrambled to open the first letter, her hands shaking vigorously.

Dear Lyra Druella Malfoy,

You have been accepted as an intern for St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries! Congratulations!

Your internship will start August 4th, 1997

You will be working under Healer Sallow, arrive at 8 AM sharp

You'll be required to wear a white robe and your pay is 3 Galleons, 4 Sickles, and 3 Knuts/hour.

If you have any questions, please write a letter back addresses to Madame Smithfield.


Genevieve Moe

Lyra was so happy! She screamed and ran down the stairs to the kitchen, startling Andromeda in the process.

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