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Almost every night Lyra is met with a nightmare that leaves a scream ripping from her throat. Fear would paralyze her and she felt like her limbs were made of stone. She'd have nightmares of a gray, red eyed monster on top of her. She can't move, she can only stare into these evil eyes while they took a part of her she could never get back. She couldn't scream in her dream, she tried and tried, but she couldn't.

Then the sleep paralysis would come. She woke up, feeling chained, in front of her body is a silhouette of Voldemort, she could see his gray skin from the moon light, but it was the red glowing eyes that took her breath away each time. But after a moment, she can move her fingers, she then her whole body and the monster is gone. She'd struggle to go back to sleep after that.

She knows it isn't really him, but it still felt so real. Even when he was gone, she'd have those hallucinations, even when she's at George's flat.

Draco had his birthday party, and it wasn't as merry as her mother tried to make it. Voldemort was gone and the air felt a little bit more breathable. Draco had Blaise and Pansy over.

Lyra played with her necklace in heavy thought. The Weasley twins were throwing a party at their flat and rumor is that it's going to be a huge rager. Lyra didn't like parties much and was nervous for what those twins had planned. She decided she wouldn't stay long if she felt very anxious.

She a letter from George telling her they are throwing a huge party and he really wanted her to come. He had made her bracelet vibrate all night. It started out as rhythmic taps, now it just did it incessantly, basically begging her to join. He knew she had Draco's birthday party to attend first. He just didn't seem to care.

"Have you heard?" Blaise asked Lyra, leaning over the table to keep his voice low while Draco flirted with Pansy.

"What?" Lyra asked curiously as she leaned in as well.

"Professor Snape is going to be our Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor."

"Who will take over potions?"

"I don't know. Rumor is that Dumbledore is trying to get that old bat, Slughorn to teach it." He let out a small chuckle, as if what he said was humorous.

"That's interesting, I wonder if he'll take it."

"Lyra, I'm trying to talk about the Slug Club." Blaise said plainly. "That could lead to good opportunities, don't you think?"

"I doubt either of us will make it in his exclusive club. Especially me, he'd never chose someone like me."

"Someone who is academically gifted? Well-liked? From a prominent family? With clear connections?"

"Not anymore, Zabini. Have you forgotten? My father is in Azkaban." 

He smirked coyly. "I think if anyone at this table will make it, it's you. One of my mother's ex-husbands mentioned that the parties for these Slug Clubs are very luxurious and something you don't want to miss. If you manage to get in, I want to be your date."

She rolled her eyes. "What do I get out of it?"

He gave a flirtatious smile that she was weary of. "I'll make the night worth your while." He winked, before breaking out into a mischievous laugh.

She crossed her arms. "Don't make me vomit, Zabini."

"What are you two discussing that's so hilarious?" Draco snapped.

"You're quite nosey tonight." Lyra stated plainly. "I hope you had a good birthday, but I rather go to bed right now." She got up from her chair and felt Blaise's playful smirk follow her as she walked around the table and exited the room. She could hear Draco threatening Blaise.

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