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Dear readers, I just want to say that the storyline will be taking a darker route, so if you aren't into that type of style, I understand if you want to sit this story out. The happy moments and the light will be something that has to be earned after the darkness in this story. If the matter is more dark the actions will be glossed over but the emotions will be harrowing (hopefully). I got bored with this and felt like you all got bored with it as well. So, this is your warning. If you can't continue, I understand. ❤️

She was taken back to her cell and it felt darker than before. She was given a thin woolen blanket that was itchy. The accommodations were obviously terrible to get her to break.

Wormtail, that odd fellow, came down to bring her this gross cabbage stew that was lukewarm. She had to choke it down, but she nearly vomited. She ate a few bites before giving it to Mr. Ollivander, he needed it more than her.

She played with her wedding band and hoped George was okay. She loved him so much. S-she had to do it. She just had to. She can't lose her husband or her mother. It'd be selfish. All she had to do is withstand it for three minutes and then it's finished, it's done. It doesn't matter that it disgusts her to think about or how she was frightened. She had to protect her family. Her mother risked enough trying to lie.

Lyra heard the door open and those steps, but this time they sounded light. She saw a different silhouette come towards her cell door.

"Lyra?" She heard her mother whisper. "Are you awake?"

Lyra ran to the bars. "Mother," she breathed. "He knows. He knows you lied. He said if I don't give him an heir he'll kill you and George." She felt the tears fighting their way back up and spilling over her cheeks. "I-I can't let him hurt you."

Narcissa placed her delicate hands over hers. "Don't give in. I don't care if he burns the whole world down. Do not do it, Lyra. Look at me." She ordered. Lyra looked into her stern eyes. "Don't give in. Don't."

"M-mother, I couldn't live with myself-"

"Then go to a head doctor when all this is over. But don't let him pressure you." She let out a shaky breath. She lifted one hand to slip through the bars to tuck a loose strand of hair behind Lyra's ear. "I am so proud of you."


"You just have to stay strong a little longer. Okay? I-I will get you out of here." Her mother leaned closer to kiss her forehead before leaving the dungeons.

Lyra sniffled and hit the bars out of frustration. "Fuck," she hissed.

She fell back down to the bed.

"Lyra?" She heard an airy voice call. Was it an angel. Lyra looked over to Mr. Ollivander's cell. A girl came closer to the bars. "Lyra Malfoy?"

"L-Luna Lovegood?" She gasped. "Why the hell are you here? When did you get here?"

"I dunno, a few hours ago? Death Eaters brought me here." She said in her gentle voice.

"Me too." Lyra gave a small smirk. "Why would you be here? Did you punch Draco or something?"

"No, I suppose Daddy made them very upset." She replied coming closer. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm being threatened." Lyra sighed.

The door opened again. "Quiet!" Wormtail shouted before it closed again.

"Wanker," Lyra whispered.

Others in the cells started to moan and groan. They got shouted at to stop. Lyra didn't know all that were down there with her but she assumed it was a good number.

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