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Lyra moved in with George. Andromeda burst into tears and made so much food there was no more room in the fridge. She didn't take the news well at all that Lyra was living with George.

Lyra spent most of her time studying in the kitchen for her exams. George cooked (which meant preheating leftovers) when Lyra had a cramped night of studying.

They were learning new things about each other and mainly George was learning Lyra liked things a certain way. She bought more furniture for the flat. She made him take the dartboard down and put it in his study instead. She hung pictures on the wall and artwork she purchased at the secondhand store.

They had wards up around their flat and were very cautious about attacks. But they soon found themselves drifting into December and that's when the decorations came out.

Everything was terrible, but at least they had a tree to decorate and pretend everything was alright. Garlands were hung in every entrance way and there was a wreath on the front door.

George was very much into the Christmas spirit, much more so than Lyra. And with the way everything was, there would be an intimate dinner at the Weasleys'. It wouldn't be the same without Ron, Harry or Ted, but they would make due.

Tonks' pregnancy was very noticeable and she was very emotional. She often cried at the smallest thing or got super angry out of no where.

"I'm home!" George hollered from the foyer. He stomped to get the snow off his boots. "It's freezing out there! Has to be negative hundred Celsius." He chuckled.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Lyra shouted. "I'm almost done studying this chapter and then we can listen to radio shows."

He walked in to see her in a Nordic pattern jumper while papers and textbooks laid open askew on the table. Her hair had gotten much longer, she pulled it back with a ribbon. Her fringe had gotten long too, turning into curtains. They hadn't fought too much. Mainly over decorating the house but it ended with a kiss.

He smirked at the ring on her finger, it caught the light just right. He leaned against the archway and watched her read and chew on her bottom lip. "How was work, Mrs. Weasley?"

"Oh, just lovely. A young girl coughed blood onto my face, so great start. Had to flush my eyes out and get tested for diseases. I'm all clean."

"That sounds bloody awful." He chuckled.

"It was." She looked up and gave him a grin. "How was your day, Mr. Weasley?"

"Oh, fun. Filled with screaming children. Gotta love the holidays." He made his way over to the stove to make a tea. He put a kettle of water on. "How's the rest of the trio?"

"Louisa scored the highest on our last quiz and she fainted at the news. Eddy has been visiting this one girl a lot. She got attacked by werewolves, scratches all over her and has lost a hand, but she's a fighter. He's been keeping her company and I think he might fancy her."

"Is she... a werewolf now?"

Lyra shrugged her shoulders. "Still running tests. Her hand was our top priority. She didn't show any signs of sickness, no fever or anything. She's got a strong immune system."

"Or she's already one." He countered.

"I'm sure they've thought of that. She's not on the registry, I know that." She closed her book and stretched out her limbs. "Get me a cup, will you?"

"You're in the kitchen, get up yourself." He said as he got a mug from the cupboard.

"Oi!" She hissed.

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