My Happiness

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"I fear the edge of dawn, knowing, time betrays..."

Choir practice ended, and the priests and worshipers all began to exit the church. Byleth remained seated in one of the empty benches. She hadn't sang, she had only listened; which was strange, considering she was a random woman who had been allowed to listen to choir practice. But she didn't particularly care about the craziness of the situation. She had way heavier matters on her mind.

Even the song seemed to mock her. Time did indeed betray her, and Byleth could only wish she could rewind back to when her and Claude were blissfully together...

Even now, the final words of their argument still replayed in her head again and again.

"I can't promise that. I can't, I just can't..." Claude's voice broke once more. As he spoke, his tone grew higher and hysterical, a ring of laughter seeping through every now and then. "I can't do that! I can't-!"

"For me!" Byleth repeated desperately as she clung tighter onto his arm. Her nails were digging into his skin through his shirt, but neither of them noticed. "Please, for me. Stay."

"I can't...I can't..."

"Please! Claude, I've never wanted anything or anyone more in my entire life. It's selfish. I told you that already! But please. Do it for me. I know I'm asking way too much, but please..."

"I can't just agree to kill you!" Claude sobbed. "I can't...I can't..."

"I'd rather die like this than any other way. I'm not ready to go...but if I have to die to get happiness, I will. Please...Claude, I've made my peace with my I'm begging you to make yours."

"I can't..."

"I know you can get through this, Claude. For me. For me. For me," Byleth choked back a sob. "For me..."

"...This will really make you happy? Dying...?"

"It's not dying, Claude. They're my last moments of truly living."

Instead of responding, Claude slowly pulled Byleth into a slow kiss. Desperation was laced between their embrace as they clung to each other, tears still flowing from their eyes. Saliva traveled between their lips, not that either of them noticed or cared as their hands traveled against each other's skin. Byleth silenced Claude's sobs with her own as the two cling to each other so desperately...

After that embrace had ended, Claude had agreed, though he couldn't look her in the eyes. Byleth couldnt help but feel so grateful; she knew she was being selfish, she had said, he was her life.

They had agreed to keep it hush hush. Claude had tried one last time to convince her with the threat of Jeralt, and while it was hard for Byleth to think about leaving him, she just...she had to do it. People always said to think about those who would miss you, but...Byleth was going to give it all away for her last days of joy.

That was just something she had come to terms with.

"I really like your hair! It looks just like mine. So pretty! Were you here for choir practice?" A young girl with curly green hair and curious wide eyes asked, her hands clasped in front of her. When Byleth didn't respond, she tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Is something wrong? You look troubled."

"No," Byleth replied quickly, but her voice visibly broke. As the girl stared at her, Byleth sighed. "There's...a lot of stuff wrong. I'm being...selfish. But I have no other choice, or I lose every single bit of happiness I've ever looked forward to..."

"I see. Sometimes it is best to look out for yourself, especially when-"

"But that's not what I mean!" Byleth couldn't help but interject. "I know it's what's best for me, but it's not best for everyone else. I know I'm hurting them. They might never get over it! But I just..I just can't be selfless here. This decision of's going to tear everyone I love apart. Sorry. You're just a child, and-"

"No, it is completely fine. To be honest, I have a situation similar. My fa-brother, he keeps me here in this cathedral and never lets me leave. He's trying to keep me safe...but it only serves to make me upset. He does enjoy seeing me outside, but he knows he has to keep me here. I think by seeing you happy...anyone else would be happy, too."

"...I hope so," Byleth mumbled. "Thank you, uh..."

"Flayn!" She chirped. "And you're Byleth, aren't you?"

"...Wait, how did you know-"

"Because we have been awaiting your return."

The serene green haired church leader appeared, this time all dolled up in her fancy clothing. She smiled sadly.

"Good to see you again, is your race against time faring?"

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