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"Nice night, isn't it?"

Byleth couldn't agree more. She nodded as they walked across the street toward the venue. She was so excited to get there; she couldn't wait to see what Claude has planned. He had a wide smile on his face, exhilarated from his performance...and possibly excited for what was about to start.

"Definitely," Byleth agreed as they walked further down the street. It was late at night, like usual. As they walked down the road, they passed the same alley they always did...but this time, something was off.


Byleth couldn't even finish her warning when a cloaked figure popped out of the shadows, swinging an uppercut towards her. Byleth quickly dodged, and Claude quickly punched his arm out toward the person's face, sending the figure to the ground.

Another cloaked guy popped out, and while Byleth managed to kick his legs out from underneath him, it was too late. They were surrounded by those people in the cloaks. Byleth narrowed her eyes, and Claude instinctively reached out toward her hand. Byleth interlocked her fingers with his, a tense look on her face.

"Claude von Riegan...We've been waiting all week for you to show," A man's deep voice resounded. They couldn't see the man's face, but both Byleth and Claude could tell that this guy was triumphant sounding. He thought he had the upper hand. "Finally, we've got you."

"What do you want with us?" Claude gripped her hand tighter as he tried to keep his tone as steady and calm as possible. The man just smirked.

"With you two? Nothing. Just with you," The man pointed to Claude. "She's simply collateral damage. Sorry about that...but you associated with the wrong company."

"No, I didn't," Byleth snarled, unafraid even in the face of danger. She scanned the area, hoping to find some sort of weapon to use. Nothing. Dammit, nothing!

"But you did," The guy just sighed. "You see, we need a bargaining chip...and who is better than Claude von Riegan? The princess at Adrestia is well guarded at all times, Faerghus doesn't have enough power from Cornelia...but You're not protected at all. No guards, no supervision. In fact, you've cut off all communication. And now that your father is ill...what better time to grab ahold of Leicester than now?"

"Where did you hear that lie?" Claude demanded. "The rumors? It's not true, anyway. My father is fine. Don't you think it would have been all over the news if it was true?"

"If it was anyone else besides your power hungry, sad excuse of a father, then yes," The guy chuckled. "But my mockingbirds hear everything...everything. And i know that this is the truth."

"You guys are mockingbirds...You must be Yuri. Wel, it doesn't're wrong. I would've known," Claude rubbed her hand in one direction. Byleth took the hint and glanced to where he was directing her to. Byleth immediately saw what he was pointing out; there was a back entrance to the venue. It was only backed by the cloaked boss talking to them and two other people. "He would've told me."

"...Didn't he try?"

"...Stop," Claude just grit his teeth. His thumb drew a countdown in Byleth's palm. 3. 2. 1...

Claude lunged forward, socking the guy that had been talking straight in the face. It knocked his hood off, revealing a man with purple hair and makeup on. The guy, 'Yuri' stumbled backwards and Byleth quickly swept toward the other two guys, knocking both of them off of their feet with one swift kick before punching one of the guys downward. Her hood fell off as she moved quickly. The two of them made a swift exit toward the door when a gunshot rang out, just narrowly missing Byleth.

"Stop right there," Yuri said smoothly, the pistol held in his hand confidently. Claude grasped at her hand, pulling her closer to him as the mafia boss came closer. "Turn around."

Claude pulled her into him protectively. Byleth could tell he was frightened-who wouldn't be?- but he was trying to stay calm. Byleth held onto him as they turned to face Yuri.

"It's futile to resist...and now, it's time to say goodbye," The purple haired boy chuckled, adjusting his grip on his pistol. Just as his finger was about to push on the trigger, his eyes suddenly widened as he caught a glimpse of Byleth. "Your hair..."

Yuri flipped his gun, putting it back in his pocket. He sighed.

"...We're done here."

He left the alleyway, and his gang followed without hesitation, leaving a confused and frightened Byleth and Claude standing there.

He was...shaking. Byleth turned around, embracing him in a tight hug. Without another word, Claude just led them away from the alleyway towards his car.

"...I'm gonna get us out of here," Claude said quietly. "I don't think it's a good idea for us to be out here."

"Don't take me home," Byleth didn't want to be alone. The plans had all gone out the window, but Byleth honestly didn't care about that anymore. She just knew she couldn't be alone right now...and she knew he couldn't, either. He looked troubled before nodding.

"...Okay. We'll go to my place."

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