Autumn Breeze

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Their now daily walk was accompanied with rusty colored leaves and an autumn breeze.

Byleth hadn't anticipated it to turn colder. Just yesterday it had been as sunny as ever, although now that she thought about it, it was a little chillier yesterday...

She fought the urge to shiver. It was a weird thought; she'd never actually felt the cold much. The temperature, hot or cold, had never bothered her much before...but now she felt it. At least she had the warmth of Claude's hand against hers...

"You know, Verdant Rain Moon went by quick," Claude commented, swinging their arms between them happily. "I can't even recall what happened, to be honest."

What had happened? Uh...Well, aside from Claude working with his new label, figuring out the logistics, and staying in the recording studio, not much. Verdant Rain Moon had just been one day of work after another; but honestly, Byleth didn't care much. Going to work and seeing Claude was the highlight.

"Uh...I don't really think much happened," Byleth said. "I guess some days are just like that. The month went fast, though."


The two walked in a peaceful silence, enjoying the glistening of the lake and the quiet wind rustling through the changing leaves. The approach of autumn was coming quick, much faster than anyone had anticipated. As Byleth shivered from a breeze, knocking her hood off, Claude frowned.

"Hey, Teach...Why don't you take my jacket?" He offered. Byleth immediately shook her head in denial.

"I already have a jacket, I can't take yours. Then what are you going to do?"

"I'll be fine. I'm actually kinda warm right now anyway," He took his golden jacket off, holding it out to her. "Go on, I don't mind."

"But...alright. Fine."

Byleth took the jacket from him; it was much bigger on her than him, with loose sleeves and a bigger torso, but she didn't care. It was still warm, and as Byleth wrapped it around herself, Claude smiled.

"Have I mentioned before how good gold looks on you?"

"Yes. Many times," Byleth giggled, interlocking their hands once more. The cold didn't bother her again. "But I still like to hear it."


As they made their way to the end of the trail, Claude suddenly brightened up. Just from the mischievous look on his face, she could tell he had something planned...and Byleth couldn't wait.

"I know! We're going on a date," Claude said. "And before you say it, yeah, our walks are technically dates, but...I mean something a little different this time. What do you say?"

"As if I have a choice!"

"Hey, you could humor me a bit here."

Byleth just smiled.

"Of course I want to come, Claude."

With a grin, Claude led her around town. Byleth couldn't wait to see what he had planned. Much to her surprise, he brought her to...

"What even is this?"

It was an all glass building that didn't reach quite as tall as the others. Inside, you could see people...painting on easels? A teacher was walking back and forth, instructing.

"Claude, I don't know how to paint," Byleth said. "Besides, this looks like a class! We're not part of a class."

"Yeah, well, truth be told, I had this planned for awhile," Claude admitted. "And I signed us up. Come on, Teach. I can't paint either. All I paid for was for us to use a room together without a teacher. No one will be judging us! Come on. It'll be fun!"

While it wasn't exactly what Byleth had pictured, she certainly couldn't say no to a pouting Claude. She gave in, letting him lead her into the building. After checking in, they came to a lonely room on the second floor.

"Whoa, look Teach!" Claude pointed below them. The glass panels allowed the two to see the people below! They were all intently focused on their drawings, scribbling down frantically on their papers. "This room is pretty cool!"

"Yeah, um...It's kinda scary, though," Byleth couldn't help but feel like the floor underneath her would give out at any time. "Or is that just me?"

"Well, don't worry," Claude said. "I won't let any harm fall to you. I promise."

With that thought in mind, Byleth let his words comfort her and the worry disappear. She stepped up to an easel, unsure of just what to do.

"Ooh, there are smocks over here!" Claude grabbed two, giving one to her. Byleth took off his jacket, not wanting to get paint on it before placing the smock on.

"I always sucked at art when I was a kid," Byleth said. "I tried to make my father one time, and my
teacher thought I made a drum set."

Claude burst out laughing.

"Well, surely your skills are better than that now."

"Er...I guess we'll find out."

As Byleth stared at her easel, she wondered just what she should paint. She wasn't good, she knew that, but it was the effort...right?

She glanced over toward Claude, who was focused on his own painting. She grinned.

She knew what she would attempt to draw...

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