Round and Round

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"So, Teach! Where we headed?"

Claude tried to weasel the answers out of Byleth, but she refused to tell him before they got there. They were walking there from the bar, since Byleth had wanted to keep it a surprise for him. After all, upon thinking about it, this had been one of the few places she hadn't minded going to, even before she had learned how to properly have fun and laugh!

"You'll find out once we get there," Byleth responded, and he sighed in a melodramatic, exaggerated fashion.

"Oh, come on, Teach," Claude tried to shoot her an innocent look, complete with batting eyes and a dashing smile, but Byleth knew better than to fall for his pleading. "I'm not too fond of surprises."

"Oh, yeah? Then how come you never tell me where we're going when you plan?" Byleth called him out on his hypocrisy, and she eyed him in slight amusement. She wasn't really offended, but she couldn't help but look forward to that little sheepish grin that appeared on his face whenever he was caught in a sticky situation.

"That's different. I'm not the one being surprised there," Claude shrugged before casually placing his hands behind his head. "It's way more fun when you know."

"Then you know exactly why you'll have to wait!"

Claude just groaned, knowing he had walked into that. Byleth just smiled as the two continued to walk, her black umbrella tip scraping against the ground every now and then. Claude stopped pestering her about their location, and they just engaged in some light banter. Eventually, after a long walk, they made it.

"Whoa, where are we?" Claude asked. He'd never been here, and he thought he'd been to many places within the city! Byleth just pushed open the door, gesturing for him to come in.

"Come find out."

The two walked into the space, and Claude's emerald eyes were wide in curiosity as he scanned the area around him. There was a circular rink behind a register, and he turned to her, a surprised look on his face.

"Roller skating?" He questioned, and Byleth nodded. He grinned. "Wow, Teach. I never would have thought!"

"I know," Byleth chuckled under her breath before walking over to the cashier. A boy with bright blue hair was situated at the desk, a bored look on his face. "Come on, let's go rent skates!"

The two walked up and grabbed their skates, with Byleth paying despite Claude's protests. The guy seemed to enjoy their little banter as his bored expression grew into a little grin.

"Have fun!" The guy called after them before turning to his phone. Byleth led them to a bench, taking her shoes off and beginning to lace up her roller skates. Claude did the same, mostly watching her to see what she was doing.

"So, do you come here alone?" Claude asked curiously as he tightened the laces on his skates. Byleth shook her head.

"No, I come here with my friend, Sothis," Byleth explained. "She's the one who brought me here. She's really good at this."

"Ah, I see..."

The two finished putting on their skates before standing. They made their way over to the rink, and Byleth made her way on before watching Claude.

As he stepped on, he immediately began to wobble back and forth. His arms flew forward in circles to try and balance himself, and Byleth couldn't help but giggle. She lent her arm out for him to balance on, and he grinned sheepishly.

"Okay, so I'm not the best at this," Claude admitted as he balanced using the wall and Byleth's arm. "I thought this would be a lot easier-WHOA!"

Byleth began to skate forward, shooting the two of them further. Claude held onto her arm for dear life as she pulled them around the ring.

"Geez, Teach!" Claude exclaimed breathlessly as he almost toppled over. If not for Byleth, he would have fallen face first. "Don't you know how to let a guy ease into this?"

"Why? You're doing fine, even without wasting all that time," Byleth shrugged. The way she had forced him into this meant that he had to overcome his weaknesses quicker. Much more efficient...much scarier for him, though. "This is how Sothis got me skating, and it worked out fine for me."

"You call me hanging onto your hand for dear life fine?" Claude glanced down at their conjoined hands. He hadn't let go, knowing that he'd probably fall face first. Byleth smirked.

As a matter of fact, yes.

"We all have to start somewhere. Besides, you made me dance while clinging on to you, it's about time I return the favor."

Claude laughed, and Byleth felt warm tingles run from the hairs on her neck to the tips of her toes. He grinned wider at her, squeezing her hand.

"True...and while I'd hate to pass up on an opportunity to hold your hand, I'm going to get this down," Claude had a determined look in his eyes. "Come on, Teach. Around we go!"

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