Impulsive Decisions

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The drive to Claude's home was quiet between the two of them.

Byleth didn't let go of Claude's hand, she knew he needed the support. His other hand was gripping the wheel as tightly as possible, his knuckles turning white. Byleth reassuringly tried to rub his palm. She was frightened about what had just happened, obviously, but it was clear that he was even more shaken. She needed to be there for him.

As they finally pulled out to Claude's house, Claude just parked and then quickly got out, grabbing his guitar before practically dragging her inside the house. He shut the door, locking it quickly. Before he could do anything else, Claude drew her into a tight hug.

"It's okay," Byleth tried to reassure him, but it didn't really seem to work. The puppy came trotting down the stairs, circling them excitedly before realizing something was wrong. Magnolia just rubbed her face against Claude's leg. "Claude-"

"He fired a bullet at you," Claude's breaths were heavy and panicked, his usually carefree emerald eyes full of worry. "He almost hit you."

"But he didn't," Byleth said softly. He was squeezing her so tight it hurt, but she didn't dare to stop him. He needed this closure. "I'm okay."

"They came after you because of me," Claude whispered. "It's my fault you almost died."

"Then I suppose it's my fault you're alive," Byleth replied quietly, reaching up to run her hand through his chocolatey brown hair. "Remember? They stopped because of me...because of my hair. They would have killed you if I wasn't there."

My hair...

Her minty hair. That had been what had stopped Yuri from killing them both. Did Yuri believe in the church? Byleth didn't understand. Did the church even know that, or was that just Rhea's secret? Why did Yuri, a mafia boss, even care about that?

"It's not my life that matters," Claude said softly. "It's yours."

"Not true. I might die anyway," Byleth responded quietly. He winced at this; he hated it when she talked negatively, but she wanted to keep her hopes low. That way, she couldn't be disappointed. Still, she hated to see him sad. "I'm sorry to bring it up. I have no plans of dying. I'm just saying that your life is the one that matters more."

"Well, you're wrong," Claude shot back. "You're not thinking right. You can't possibly understand the truth."

"I'm thinking fine," Byleth protested. The truth? What was he talking about? She wanted to know what he was talking about so badly. "What are you talking about, anyway?"


Byleth couldn't help but feel a tad hurt.

"I thought we trusted each other," Byleth frowned. "You trust me, don't you?"

"Yes," Claude replied without a second of hesitation before realizing what he had just said. "Teach, that's not fair. You know I trust you. But you're not in the right state of mind. I need to make sure you're okay."

"...Claude, I am okay," Byleth said softly, grasping his hand between them. "I promise. I'm more worried about you."

"Me?" Claude just let out a hysteric little laugh, and Byleth knew she had made a mistake. "I wasn't the one who just had a bullet shot at me!"

"Okay," Byleth backtracked as that train of thought had gotten him more worked up. In all honesty, he wasn't wrong. Byleth was spooked. The fact that they were in that situation was bad...but she had gotten them out with her illness-related hair. What was happening? Why were they alright? Byleth would have been freaking out a lot more if Claude hadn't been so scared himself. That was the main reason she was the calm one right now. "Okay. You're right. I just...I'm trying not to think about it."

"Not to think about it? Teach, you were in danger because of me!" Claude couldn't just block it out like Byleth did. He was getting more and more worked up. "It's my fault. And...I think it might be better if we part ways. Stop talking. You won't be in danger anymore."

"What?" Byleth exclaimed, hoping he was joking. His face didn't change, showing he was serious, and Byleth just scoffed. "No! I'm not leaving. We're not splitting. You're my best friend. You make me happy. I need you to be happy."

"...I know. I'm sorry," Claude replied sadly, a sincere look in his eyes. "But I need you to be safe."

"I'm the reason we got out alive!" Byleth tried to protest, but Claude wasn't having it. He didn't want her in any sort of danger. Byleth let out a frustrated sigh. "Claude-!"

"I can't risk it, Teach! I can't. You had a bullet shot at you because they were coming after me!" Claude yelled. Magnolia whimpered, rubbing her snout against Claude's leg while Byleth but her lip, but Claude was too stricken to stop now. "So what if you were the reason we lived this time? What
if it happens again? What if they don't see your hair? What if the bullet hits you this time? What if they don't even care about your hair!? I can't risk it, Teach!"


"I can't!"

What was Byleth supposed to do? She couldn't just leave. They couldn't split. She loved him. She needed him.

Claude looked so panicked, so worried, so frustrated. Byleth just wanted to help him so badly. She knew they could get through this, but he just needed to understand that...

In an impulsive, split second decision, Byleth just suddenly moved forward. She didn't know what she was doing until she did it. She didn't know what she was doing until it registered in her mind that she had indeed just leaned forward to press her lips onto his.

In simpler words...Byleth had kissed him.

How many times had Byleth daydreamed about this moment? How many times had she thought about this?

It didn't matter. In that moment, in this felt good.

His lips were soft against hers, and Byleth suddenly grew very aware of the heat between the two of their bodies. She closed her eyes, enjoying the moment...

She knew she had to stop.

He was frozen against her. The moment seemed
to pass so slow, even though it was only a couple of seconds. Byleth's lips lingered on his for another moment before she pulled away.

"You kissed me," Claude said softly, a look of shock in his emerald eyes. "You...kissed me."

"I'm sorry," Byleth said automatically, a guilty look on her face. She didn't know what had come over her...She had just wanted him to understand that they needed each other, she had just wanted for him to forget the frustration...she hadn't meant to kiss him. Now she had just ruined their friendship. Now he was going to let her down slowly, to tell her he had a girlfriend, to tell her he wasn't interested-

Claude pulled her back in, sweeping her into another kiss.

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