Mythic Magnolian

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"Go back to Fódlan, where you belong."

"Obviously his Almyran bloodline doesn't matter much if he chose them over us..."

"Psh. Don't even give him that privilege. He's tainted his bloodline already just by being half Fódlander. He's no Almyran."

Claude grimaced as he walked through the streets of Almyra. He should have been used to it by now. It was a week into his trip, and people still hadn't let up with the remarks about him. It was all he could hear from every person's mouth. Didn't they have more important things to talk about than him?

The short answer to that was no. He was used to attention, since he was the future heir of Leicester his whole life, but this was one of the few times where the reception to his presence was wholeheartedly negative.

"His father is remarkable for taking control of Leicester, despite his heritage...Such a shame he has to pass it down to that disgrace."

"It would have been better if he hadn't married that Fódlander."

That was when Claude drew the line. He whirled around to face the gossiping merchants in the street, and he strode over with an intimidating look on his face. Claude didn't know his mother very well since she had passed, but he knew that his dad had adored her more than anything else in the world.

No one disrespected his mom.

"Actually, that Fódlander was the only reason my father was considered for the position," Claude snapped, his usually calm and carefree emerald eyes narrowed in contrary fury. "It has never been fair for us Almyrans to get equal jobs, you think that his color was accepted? The company leader himself couldn't just accept my dad, my mom did most of the convincing on the public side. You should be grateful to her!"

"Ugh, please. Grateful to a Fódlander?"

"...Yes. A Fódlander is the greatest source of happiness for me," Claude's eyes softened as he thought of Teach, her eyes shut in serenity as they cuddled in bed, her pale shoulders only covered by a thin spaghetti strap top and his arms. She was the reason he was here in the first place...and quite honestly, he didn't have time to mess around with these merchants. Claude turned away. "But you don't even give them a chance. Just like they do to all of us. We're not better than them with that attitude."

He walked away, leaving the two merchants to mutter amongst themselves. The whispers in the streets almost seemed to melt away as Claude focused on his end goal- the forests of Almyra. He knew every plant perfectly, and there was one thay could solve everything; a Magnolian Lyfal. Known for it's immense healing properties, the Magnolian Lyfal was said to cure every disease. Of course, however, these mysterious herbs were incredibly rare, only found in the heart of Almyra.

It would require quite a bit of luck to find even the slightest hint of the plant.

The forest of Almyra was dense and overly populated with verdant leaves and bushes with arching trees stretching high over the canopies. Claude had already searched so many similar looking forests, only to find nothing. This was one of the last ones in Almyra he had left to look through. If he didn't find it, then...then...

No. He had to find it. There was no alternative.

He continued through the forest, carefully examining the grounds for any clue of any herb. Unfortunately, he couldn't manage to find any. He scoured onward, eventually coming upon a flowing river. He followed the trail, curious.

It led to a large waterfall.

It was magnificent, really. It flew over large rocks, water gushing down from above with voracious velocity. The sound of rushing water filled his ears, one that he found quite loud, but slightly peaceful. He smiled; waterfalls were where this mysterious herb was found most. Maybe he had finally found a clue...!

He quickly scoured up some rocks before hurriedly checking around the raging water and stalwart rocks.

Much to his dismay...there was nothing.

Nothing? How could there be nothing? Claude leaned against a tree, despair slowly beginning to overcome him. How was he going to find anything...?

"Hey there! What brings you around this area?"

A redheaded merchant with a maroon and yellow cloak approached him with a mischievous smile. She had a merchant's cart with her as she skipped toward him.

"Hi. I'm looking for the Magnolian Lyfal," Claude said. When the merchant didn't respond, Claude explained further. "My love, she's...dying. I'm hoping I can find a cure, we've tried everything, but nothing works..."

"Hm...That sounds pretty crazy! Unfortunately, I've already picked all of the Magnolian Lyfal around here," The merchant frowned. "It's pretty expensive at my shop, but..."

"I'll pay whatever I have to as long as it actually works. work?"

"Why, I don't know!" The merchant giggled. "I've never kept in contact with my customers. They just believe the Almyran legend. My name's Anna, by the way."

"Pleasure to meet you. If theres even the slightest chance it works, I'll take it. My name's Claude. What's yours?"

"Claude...?" The merchant suddenly looked panicked. "As in Claude von Riegan?"


"A-Ah, Claude! Sorry to break it to you, since I know you're a high paying customer...but the myth is fake about Magnolian Lyfal. I know that because my bloodline made up that myth a long time ago," Anna sighed. "Sorry to ruin your dreams. Better to hear it now than later after I had scammed you, right?"

"It's...not real?" Claude narrowed his eyes in irritated frustration. "What am I going to do...?"

"Hey, maybe I could help out," Anna offered. "I do know my way around the forest. I know where all
kind of medicinal herbs are!"

The wheels suddenly began turning in his head. If there wasn't a cure, perhaps he could proctor one. He had made some poison as a kid from a couple of plants, perhaps he could make a cure now. Maybe it wasn't over yet. Claude nodded.

"That would be great. Thank you."

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