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It was weird to wake up without Claude next to her.

Byleth couldn't remember the last time she'd slept alone, honestly. The bed felt so lonely, his side of the bed empty. At the very least, his side held his scent, something that comforted Byleth to sleep.

But now that she was going through days without him, it was strange. She kept turning to talk to him, but he wasn't there. Jeralt couldn't help but laugh at her every time she did it.

"When your mother passed, I was the same way," Jeralt smiled softly. "Lucky for you, he'll come back."

Lucky for her, yes. Claude was coming back without a doubt in her mind. That was still rather dark of her father to say, and Byleth just wanted to give her dad a hug. Jeralt cut her off before she could.

"How are you feeling, Kid?"

"...I'm okay, I guess," Byleth tried to play off her sickness, but her father just raised a brow. Byleth sighed. "...I've been feeling weak. My hair is completely green, I don't know! My heart hurts every day...How do you think I feel?"

"Scared, worried, tired, and done," Jeralt replied dryly. "I know. Me too."

"Doesn't seem like it."

"Yeah, well, you take after me. We're pretty good at hiding our emotions...Kid, I know it's so damn hard. I...I can't lose you. Not after I lost Sitri, too..."


Byleth suddenly realized just how exhausted her father looked. She'd been spending so much time with Claude, she hadn't really had time for her own father...She took a deep breath before placing her hands on his.

"I know, Dad. That's why Claude's trying to find a cure, that's why I've been searching, that's why you and Manuela have been trying to develop new medicines..."

"It's not good enough. Nothing is," Jeralt growled, frustration embedded in his deep voice. "Damn. I don't want to lose you, I can't lose you...!"

"I know. We're trying," Byleth's voice broke. She couldn't even pretend to be optimistic here; that had never been her strength, it was Claude's. Without him here, her and Jeralt's negative mindsets seemed to be filled without despair. "I'm...I'm scared. Dad, I don't want to die...I don't want to leave you, Claude, or Sothis..."


"If...If I die-"


"Just listen to me," Byleth interrupted, a solemn look in her eyes. "If I die...please keep living on."

"Live for what?" Jeralt scoffed. "Kid...you are my life. What else do I have going for me? The bar?"

"My mother would want you to keep living. To not give in to despair," Byleth paused. "I think. Because that's what I would want, too."

"That...would be easier said than done. I already had to go through that once, and I had you to look forward to...Kid, let's stop talking about this. We can't...We can't afford to think like this..."

"But... that's all I can think about. We inch closer to my death date every day, and we still haven't found any kind of clue. What...What are we supposed to do!?"

At that moment, Byleth's phone rang. She grimaced before fumbling for her own phone, clumsily holding it up to her ear.


"Goodness, where in the world are you?" Sothis' irritated voice sounded out from the phone, and it was in that moment that Byleth realized just how much trouble she was in, She was supposed to meet Sothis at the coffee shop to try and figure out a solution to her illness. While chatting with her dad, Byleth had totally forgotten.

"Sorry. I got...a little held up," Byleth glanced over at her father. "Ill come right now. Just give me a minute to get all my notes together and everything, okay? I'll meet you there."

Sothis sighed.

"Fine fine, but hurry."


"I have to go...I'll see you later."

Byleth hurried out of their house after grabbing her stuff before rushing to leave before either of them could let themselves break down. She forced a blank expression onto her face, one that she was so used to doing, in order to hide the pain on her face.


She drove with the music blaring to drown out her despairing thoughts. When she finally arrived at the coffee shop, she rushed out with all of her notes and everything.

"Hi, Sothis," Byleth said breathlessly after setting all of her stuff down. Sothis stared at her for a moment before sighing.

"You're like a child...Ah, no matter. Well, let's get looking!" Sothis exclaimed. "We've got to figure out a cure for you. I won't let these weeks pass without finding a cure."

"Yes...You're right."

Sothis looked at her suspiciously.

"...You know, you're allowed to be upset about your situation," Sothis folded her arms, reading her best friend like a book. "You look like you're holding a lot in."

"Because I don't want to think about it," Byleth revealed in a whispery tone. "I don't want to deal with that...that terrifying thought..."

"...I know. But it's okay to cry," Sothis stood to awkwardly embrace her friend, shielding Byleth from view. Byleth sniffled before letting the tears flow. "There, there. Go ahead, let yourself go.."

After a moment more of tears, Byleth wiped her eyes and hugged Sothis back.

"Thank you. That actually felt nice," Byleth admitted. "...You're the best friend one could ask for."

"I know. Now, come. We need to figure this out so I can stay your best friend for eternity!"

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