911, What's Your Emergency?

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"Kid...Kid...can you..ear me..?"

Byleth knew that there was something that had happened. Something vaguely recent that had made her dizzy, but she couldn't remember what. All she could see was black, until she realized her eyes weren't even open. When she tried to open them, they wouldn't cooperate.

She was...sleeping?

No, Byleth didn't remember getting into bed. But what had happened? Had she died already?


That voice...it sounded familiar. Smooth and soothing, but right now, it was laced with panic. She felt someone else's rough hand on hers...who was that...?

"You big dolt! Get up! People are waiting for you!

Byleth recognized that voice as Sothis's. No one could mistake her impatient tone as anyone else. Wait...Why was Sothis in her mind?

Why does that matter right now? Just get up! Come on, everyone's worried about you!

Who would be worried about her? Byleth just dismissed that thought, sinking behind the empty darkness that cloaked her eyes.


Her heart jumped at the sound of that word. That voice...why did it keep pestering her? She really just wanted to go back to sleep...


That...that was her father. Why was he calling to her...? Byleth didn't know, but she suddenly felt a much stronger urge to open her eyes.

"This...my...ault," The smoother voice choked out sadly, and Byleth suddenly realized that it was Claude. Come on, wake up...Open your eyes...! Byleth struggled to lift her heavy eyelids. Come on...!

Slowly, a sliver of light began to seep in as Byleth slowly opened her eyes. She couldn't do much more than squint, but she could see her father clutching tightly onto her hand and Claude's features contorted in a seldom-seen frown. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she was feeling a little lightheaded, but she was otherwise alright. Byleth tried to speak, but her voice was nothing more than a small whisper.

Still, they heard her. Jeralt clutched her hand even tighter, muttering praises under his breath. Meanwhile, Claude rushed back over to see her, a relieved expression on his face.

"Teach!" Claude grabbed hold of her other hand, shaking it up and down in excitement and hysteric relief. "Are you alright?"

"I...I think so?" Byleth said, her voice raspy and near silent. She mustered up enough strength to rub her thumb slightly against Claude's hand, trying to soothe him. "W...What happened...?"

"You fainted when we were talking," Claude answered, a guilty look on his face. The memory suddenly came rushing back; he had been prodding about...her little slip of the tongue. Then her heart had started pounding, and she'd grown dizzy... Byleth was grateful she'd passed out. It gave her an excuse to get out of that situation.

"Oh..." Was all Byleth responded with, trying to mask the relief in her voice. Claude still looked guilty, so Byleth tried to reassure him.

"I'm...okay...it's alright..."

"You're not just saying that, right?" Jeralt asked suspiciously.


Jeralt leaned in, looking as if he was just comforting over his daughter's body. In reality, he was speaking in a low tone.

"I called Manuela," Jeralt informed her in a hushed whisper. "As far as the doctors know, nothing's wrong. You just fainted from stress. We're going to head over to her clinic after we're done here."

"It...can wait," Byleth protested quietly. "It's late...out..."

"Well, Manuela insisted," Jeralt pulled away before squeezing her hand comfortingly. Byleth glanced around at her surroundings before finally finding the clock. It was three in the morning...Byleth was so grateful her doctor was the actual best.

"Teach, I'm sorry," Claude apologized guiltily. "I didn't mean to push you, I just...I thought that...I don't know," I thought we could trust each other, was what he wanted to say, but he bit his tongue because Jeralt was there. "What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry."

"It's okay..."

"Ah, Miss Eisner!" A gray haired man with spectacles and a white doctor's coat walked in, a smile on his face. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright..." Byleth cleared her throat, hoping her voice would come back. "Yes, I'm fine.."

"I'm glad to hear it," The doctor grinned. Byleth glanced to his name tag, which read 'Doctor Hanneman'. "This was because of stress, as I hear. Would you like us to perform a scan of your heart and see if that might have been a cause?"

"No. No, I'll...be fine," Byleth responded a little too quickly. Claude looked at her suspiciously, and Byleth felt her heart sink deeper into her chest. No, he hadn't forgotten about it like she had inwardly hoped. What would really happen if he knew? Byleth could just picture him being angry that she hadn't told him, or worse, just...no. She didn't want to think like that... "I'd really just like to get home now."

"No worries. Just let me take your vitals, and you all can be on your way."

The doctor did just that, with Byleth praying her heart rate was normal. She kept her head clear, trying to ignore her anxiety about Claude. Her heart rate was alright as he released her from the hospital, and the three of them left.

"Uh...Thanks for staying, Claude," Byleth said as they left. Please don't ask. Please don't ask. He just shrugged.

"No problem..." Claude knew something was up. Byleth begged him with her eyes to drop it, but curiosity got the best of him. "Teach...are you really okay?"

"Yes," Byleth responded shortly. If you really...no, he can't know. Then...Then... Before he could question her further, Jeralt cut him off.

"Well, I'm going to get the Kid home," Jeralt said. "You guys can catch up tomorrow. Thanks, Claude."

"Alright...you're right," Claude finally relented, much to the Eisner's relief. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Well, at least that gave her a little time to think of a good excuse...Byleth paled at the thought of having to lie to him. He'd revealed everything to her, and now she was going to lie? She was being selfish again, she knew it, but...she didn't want to even risk the possibility of him...well...She'd have to make something up.

But how in the world was she going to conjure up a recent lie to his face?

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