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"Ah, look. You're doing great."

"I told you I'd get it down!" Claude grinned widely as he skated around the rink once without any assistance from the wall or Byleth. "Mission accomplished."

"Well, I never doubted you," Byleth smiled as she joined him, and the two began to skate together around the rink. People were exiting, as it was nearing dinner time. Almost time for Byleth to head to work...Claude didn't have a shift today because Byleth, Leonie, and Shamir were on duty on this Monday. "If I doubted you, I would have let you take it easy at the beginning."

"True. I guess your way was faster," Claude agreed. "Thanks, Teach."

"No problem. I'm happy to help," Byleth smiled as the two continued to go around and around. The music played around them, encouraging the two of them to go on. "That was how Sothis first got me skating, too, and I picked up on it fast like that as well..."

"Sothis? That must be your friend...She's really looking out for you," Claude noted, and Byleth nodded.

"Of course. She's been my only friend for years,"
Byleth noted with a laugh to mask the slight sadness that was inside of her tone. She had been so lonely without any friends, and it wasn't anyone's fault except her own. "I'm so thankful for her."

"I'm glad...but Teach, I hope you know that you're not alone," Claude said softly. "You've got Sothis, Jeralt, and...and me."

"I'm glad I can count on you," Byleth smiled, and he reached out to grab her hand. Byleth's eyes widened in surprise. "I thought you said you were doing alright-"

"Oh, no! I'm falling!" Claude said dramatically as he feinted a tumble forward. He grinned innocently up to her. "Looks like I still need you, Teach."

Byleth just eyed him, a smile growing on her face again when her phone dinged. She pulled it out with her other hand, sighing. The timer was going off; it was time for her to head to work.

"What's that for?"

"I've got to head to the bar," Byleth explained dejectedly. She had been having such a good time, she really didn't want to leave. "I work every day. Sorry..."

"No, it's fine! Do what you need to," Claude released her hand as they made it to the exit of the rink. Claude began to skate away, calling a goodbye as he went. "See you around, Teach!"

Byleth's hand felt...cold without his warm aura near her. Byleth hesitated. She really was having a good time...she didn't want to go to work and leave Claude like this...

So maybe she just wouldn't.

Byleth texted a quick message to her father, informing him that she would be showing up late. It was her own bar, it's not like he could fire her anyway. Leonie, Shamir, and Jeralt had it covered.

Byleth retook her place on the ring as he skated by once more, and she reached out to take his hand in hers. He glanced at her, surprised to see her return.

"Teach? I thought you said you had work," Claude's brow was furrowed in confusion. His cheeks were slightly highlighted with crimson as he glanced downward at their conjoined hands...not that he was complaining.

"Yeah, well, it's my own bar. I'm having a good time," Byleth admitted, a sheepish look on her face. She had always been a rule follower, but Claude just made her want to many things that defied her normal lifestyle. "So I'll just go in late."

The two continued to skate away, laughing and just having a good time. Eventually, though, the two were tired of skating. They unlaced their skates, placing them back on the counter, where the teal haired boy waved them goodbye. Claude turned to Byleth, a questioning look in his eyes.

"So...Are you planning on heading back to the bar?" He asked, hoping that she'd say no. To his delight, she shook her head from side to side.

"No...I have a place we could head to. Follow me!"

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