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Byleth was bored.

Was this an appropriate reaction? Probably not. The scan had come back, and Manuela had noted that there was a circular object growing in her heart, and it was growing bigger. Not to mention how in the past two weeks, she'd found more green hairs and Manuela had called back to her newfound heart burn saying she had no idea what to do...

Still, Byleth was bored.

All she had been doing recently was trying to find a cure. Ever since Claude had found out, all they really did was work and then investigate her heart disease. It was sweet of him...but Byleth missed the days where they would go out and have fun.

Honestly, Byleth was burnt out now. She didn't think they were making much progress, but Claude did buy a bunch of vitamins for her to take, along with some pain medication for when her heart hurt like that. They hadn't made actual progress about her disease, and honestly...Byleth just needed a break. She didn't want to think about it. Her life had seemed so much more serious, albeit it was more hopeful now.

Still...she needed a break!

So here she was, texting Claude. She didn't know how she was going to break the news that she needed just a day of relaxing to him yet, but she needed to do it eventually.

Hello, Claude. What are you doing?

His reply took a little longer than usual, but he did respond.

just investigating like usual. maybe we could get u a heart pump or maybe we could try a defibrillator?

Byleth sighed. Defibrillator? That could possibly override her heart, and frankly, while it was an option, Byleth would prefer to enjoy her time without taking the risk of ending her life early. She wanted to find a cure, yes. She didn't wasn't willing to cut her life any shorter, though. Besides, she felt it in her chest. Her heart told her that wasn't it, she could tell by the pain that throbbed every time they mentioned something like that.

At least her heart was looking out for her in that regard. It sucked at everything else, but even it was fearful of something that would kill her. That probably explained why her heart hurt every time she ate something bad for her...

Well, enough sidetracking. Time to break the bad news.

Claude, you're very sweet for worrying. Thank you. But I don't want to take the risk of using something so dangerous.

Also...You are about to disagree with me, but I need you to do me a favor anyway.

Let's go out and have fun. I'm burned out from just researching all the time.

As expected, he answered much quicker this time.


c'mon now

i'm sorry ur bored but i can't just relax when i could be using my time productively

i've got to keep looking

i know i'll find something

Byleth sighed. She knew they would be having this argument, and she wasn't surprised...but that didn't mean she wanted it. She didn't like arguing with him, and she knew she would probably be on the losing end of this argument...


There was always guilt tripping him...

Was that evil? Probably. Did she need a break from studying? Yes. Did she want to do it with him, and only him? Definitely yes.

Claude, my heart hurts. I'm not kidding. It literally hurts. Can we please do something to get my mind off of it..

That would do the trick.

teach...alright, fine i hate seeing u in pain :(

u have anything in mind? if not, ive got something we could do

Yeah? What is it?

Byleth could feel his smirk from the other side of the screen. He typed out his response, and Byleth's eyes widened. She raised her brow, slightly worried...but she figured it would be okay.

Besides, what could be so bad?

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