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hey teach i need a favor

Byleth dug into her pocket as her phone buzzed. Much to her delight, it was Claude. A favor? What did he of all people need from her? Was it a pep talk? Had something bad happened?

Of course. What do you need?

Byleth waited impatiently. She wanted to know what was wrong so badly! Luckily for her, she didn't have to wait long. Claude had always been a fast responder.

u here with me

Wow. He was smooth. Byleth felt her cheeks heat up just from the simple text. Why was he so good at flirting? Maybe she was just too enamored with him, but his little comment had been enough to make her smile and blush like he was right next to her.

Her phone buzzed with another notification, and Byleth snapped out of her reverie to read the next message.

ok but srsly i do need u to come here ASAP and bring some dog food

Dog food? Byleth didn't know he had a dog. Byleth was wondering just why he couldn't go himself, but she supposed it didn't matter. Claude asked her for this, so she would go. She didn't even know where the nearest pet store was, but she'd figure it out.

No problem.

It was in that moment that Byleth realized she didn't know his address. Sure, he had directed her once, but Byleth didn't remember the directions. As if he knew her plight, his next text message was his address.

Alright, I'm on my way.

Byleth walked out, getting into her car before driving to the nearest pet store, which was actually pretty close to her. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to buy dry food or the frozen food, so she just bought both. Then she typed his address into her phone and was on her way.

As she pulled up towards Claude's house, she observed it in better detail now. Last time it was night, and Byleth couldn't really see. Now? Now she could tell that it was a pretty plain house with a white porch. It had a black roof, and while it was simple, Byleth liked it quite a bit. It wasn't anything extra. Claude could have anything he wanted, and he had this tiny house.

She had a lot of respect for that.

She got out of her car, walking over with the food before knocking. A dog's howling could be heard inside. Byleth wondered what kind of dog he had...After a moment, Claude answered the door with a relieved look on his face. He looked tired and disheveled.

"Hey, Teach."

"Hello, Claude. Are you alright?" Byleth questioned. Just as she asked that, a little dog came scurrying toward Claude, hiding behind his legs and whimpering. She widened her eyes. "Aww, so cute! I didn't know you had a dog."

"Well, I actually didn't," Claude picked the dog up in his arms. "I found her last night. I couldn't just leave her there, she's with me. I didn't want to leave her alone, so that's why I asked you for the food. Thanks, by the way. She ate some chicken and bread, but I'm sure the real thing is healthier for her."

"She's really pretty," Byleth walked in and reached her hand out toward the puppy. The puppy sniffed at Byleth's hand curiously. "What's her name?"

"Well, she didn't have a collar or anything, so she doesn't have a name for the moment," Claude replied, shutting the door behind Byleth. He wiped at his face after the puppy licked his chin affectionately. "Ah! Sorry. I couldn't think of a name, so...Oh! I have a great idea. You should help me come up with a name!"

"Me?" Byleth laughed. "I don't know what to name her! You're the owner, shouldn't it be your honor?"

"Yeah, I'm sharing it with you," Claude
smirked, taking the food from Byleth's hand. He actually had a dog bowl, and he poured the dried food in it before setting the puppy down. The dog curiously sniffed at it before digging in. "Help."

"Alright, fine."

A name for the feminine dog...Byleth didn't really know. What would Claude like? He was giving her the honor of naming his dog, she better make it good...

"I can see the wheels turning in your head," Claude chuckled. "C'mon, let's take her out back. Maybe the fresh air will help!"

He led them both to the backyard, the little husky following him faithfully. As he opened the screen door, the husky raced outside, playing in the grass happily. Byleth glanced around the yard. He had a little deck, and the stairs led down to a more open area, with a patio underneath the deck. There were golden magnolias blooming near the trees that blocked off the yard from sight. Byleth smiled.

"I didn't know you were a gardener," Byleth said as Claude picked up a tennis ball that had been lying in the grass. Claude shrugged before throwing the ball.

"I'm not," Claude watched in admiration as the dog ran for the ball before turning to her. "Those were growing here when I moved here. Pretty, right?"

"Yeah. They're the same flowers as the ones at the park," Byleth observed, and Claude nodded.

"I think they're called magnolias. That's what the little sign at the park says," Claude laughed. Byleth didn't remember a sign. Maybe they had added some labels, it would make sense. Suddenly, it clicked.


"Magnolia's a nice name, isn't it?" Byleth commented as the husky brought back the ball. Claude smiled, petting the dog's head.

"Yeah, I like it. Magnolia it is!" Claude grinned before throwing the ball. "Magnolia, fetch!"

The dog-newly makes Magnolia- sprinted for the ball excitedly. Claude turned to Byleth, scratching the back of his neck.

"I like it. Now I'll think of you whenever I call my dog's name," Claude winked, and Byleth felt her cheeks heat up. She giggled. How did he always have this affect on her?

"Is that a good thing? You won't be thinking about my terrible naming skills?"

Claude just shook his head and laughed, his green eyes tinted with something Byleth didn't quite catch.

"It's definitely a good thing, Teach. If only you knew..."

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