Another Day

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"Claude...I think I figured something out."

Byleth dreaded this conversation more than anything else. She didn't want to say it, but...she knew she needed to. It was evidence she'd been hiding for quite some time now, and...Claude deserved the truth. Not just as a self exiled heir, but as her friend, as her lover. Her father was out to go grab food. It was the perfect reveal the truth.

"What? Really?" Claude looked up from where he was sitting beside the hospital bed. He had his notes all sprawled out on the floor as he searched for answers. "What?"

"It has to do hair."

She could tell by the way his nose crinkled that he hadn't expected it. He shrugged, his emerald eyes wide in curiosity.

"What'd you find?"

Byleth took a long, deep breath before shakily revealing her answer. This was it...the truth. She knew...what she had to do.

"Claude, the very first time we went to the beach...I found someone. Her name was...Rhea."

"Rhea..? As in...the Archbishop of the damn church!?" Claude exclaimed. "No way. I contacted her since I realized she had the same hair as you, but she didn't tell me anything. I tried looking her up, but nothing..."

Well, that made sense. After all, Claude was a company leader; Rhea wouldn't want Claude to know anything that could mess up Byleth's so called destiny.

"Yes, well..."

Byleth paused. She couldn't keep eye contact, instead glancing down toward her clapped hands. Claude stood, pulling a chair so he could sit before taking one of her hand.

"You can tell me, Teach," Claude coaxed. His tone was soft and smooth. It was laced with comfort and warmth. "I know it's hard, can tell me. Don't be scared."

Byleth stayed silent as she but her lip. He quietly opened his mouth and sang softly to her.

"I place all of my trust in you...No matter what we do..."

That...was right. Claude had placed all of his trust in her when she'd heard him sing, when he'd told her the truth behind the companies. Byleth...Byleth could do this.

"She said...That my hair made me destined for greatness or something," Byleth deliberately kept it vague. She couldn't help but deny the truth for as long as possible... "She said my hair... related to the proclamation of the church."

"What? Your hair related to the religion itself? It's not just her?"


"So, what is it?"

Byleth took a deep breath. She could feel her heart beating quickly, and it was speeding up. The world was a little bit fuzzy and she was dizzy, but she say it.

"Unite the three houses that are filled with grief and strife...and create peace for mankind."

"The three houses...? The companies?" Claude figured it out right away, not that Byleth was particularly surprised.


"So...So what?" Claude let out a little laugh of confusion. "Your hair...means you're destined for that, or whatever? That's...nonsense...But why else would your hair change to that specific shade unless...unless..."

"...It's just a stupid church saying," Byleth just shrugged. In her rapidly beating heart...she knew there was something more. "That's all..."

Claude didn't respond. He was lost in thought now. Byleth couldn't help but gulp, her heart beating faster. What...What happened now?

"If it's correlated, then..."

"I don't think it is," Byleth heard herself say it before she could even register the words. She cursed herself in her mind. She knew she didn't want him to go back, just subconsciously reject it so easily...!

"What kind of messed up prophecy is that, anyway?" Claude just shook his head. "It doesn't make sense. Why would you of all people be able to unite the three companies?"

"Yeah, that's a good question," Byleth forced a laugh. She has missed her chance. It was probably for the best; she could feel her heart slowing down slightly. "It's probably...just some stupid church custom."

"Yeah, you're right."

"...Hey, Claude? Could you sing for me?"

He smiled.

"Of course, Teach."

As he sang, his melodic voice filling the room entirely with harmony, Byleth laid back and relaxed. She took the time to soak in the moment as he sat there, his emerald eyes warm with love and his symphony carrying throughout the air. He looked happy. So at peace. He was accomplishing his dream when he was like this...and he was making her happier than ever.

It wasn't selfish to stay here. It was for him.

Deep down, Byleth knew she was lying to herself...but it was enough to console her for the moment.

She took another day to be selfish.

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