All Good Things

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The night at the venue was progressing fantastically.

Since Claude didn't have a venue scheduled, him and Byleth were actually able to just relax in a booth together like they had first done. Of course,
people were indeed staring at the superstar and CEO that Claude still was, but the pair didn't care. Quite honestly, they were too engaged in each other's presence to even notice.

"Hey, Teach...are you a good singer?" Claude swirled the wine in his glass before he took a sip. "I don't think I've ever heard you sing."

"Huh? Nowhere near as good as you, obviously. Honestly, I'm more of a listener..." Byleth just shrugged before she took a sip of her own drink. "Singing definitely does not come naturally to me, that's for sure."

"No, I don't think that's true. I certainly don't think there are bad singers in the world, just those that don't know the proper technique or know how to get to certain pitches. Everything's relative."

"Sure, but it looks like it came easy to you. I mean, I doubt you had any classes considering your background isn't exactly...well..."

"True. But don't make it sound like I didn't work for it. Natural talent means nothing when I look like, well," Claude gestured down at himself. "this."

"What, handsome?" Byleth couldn't help but quip, and he chuckled.

"I think you've been picking up some of my traits, Teach."

"No, I'm just telling you the truth. But yes...your status just proves that the color of your skin can't stop you from anything. You're setting a great role model for everyone to see."

"I sure hope so. I mean, I just hope people don't have to grow up in the world that I did," Claude sighed. "But anyway, Teach. Tell me about what you did while I was gone!"

"Eh. Not much. Hung out with Sothis, got buried in the snow. did some research, enjoyed the lack of pain. Normal things."

"Yeah, well-wait, buried in the snow? Just what happened to you-"

"Let's just say that when I went to visit my dad's old work place, Catherine decided it was a good time to throw me in the snow, just for fun," Byleth just shrugged. "And then Alois decided he wanted to bury me. So...yeah."

"I...see. They're interesting characters. They have been fantastic bodyguards, though, so I can't complain."

"That they are indeed. But enough about me and everything around here. What were you up to?"

"I think I told you already that a merchant hassled me the entire time," Claude chuckled. "I was looking for a plant called Mythic Magnolian, and she said it was a hoax. A hoax that she had created."


"I don't think she was usually as nice as she was to me. She probably saw who I was and decided to try and bargain off of me," Claude couldn't help but laugh. She had indeed gotten what she wanted from him, after all. "At the very least, she helped me out, and I appreciate that. But anyway...come on, Teach. Let's go for a walk."

"Well...okay," Byleth just agreed before shrugging her winter coat on. It wasn't exactly the warm summer nights they used to enjoy, but it would have to do. He grasped her hand, spreading warmth through her body as the two exited the venue. The wandering eyes of Claude's fans disappeared...and it was truly just the two of them. "So, what's up?"

"...Even though Mythic Magnolian didn't work out, I did manage to concur something that did."

Claude pulled out a flask with a potion the color of
the sunset. Byleth's jaw hung wide open as she stared at his creation.

"You...made this...?"

"I tried it out on a couple of sick people in Almyra. It worked for them. Well, I don't know about any side effects or it's long term usage, but..." Claude hesitated. "It worked on an old lady with a heart condition on and plenty of other people with conditions that you have. This...This should work if you're not feeling better."

"Claude, I..." She didn't have words, so she just leaned over and kissed him. The warmth of their shared kiss canceled out the freezing air around them as they embraced. Everything around them seemed to freeze. She mumbled out her gratitude against his lips. "Thank you..."

"Dont thank me...we deserve this. Besides, you're feeling better, so there's no need for this, really..."

"Still. Thank you for being so thoughtful."

"Anytime, Teach. Anything for you."

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