Destiny's Call

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"What have you called us here for today, Claude?"

Everyone that could possibly help Claude or Byleth was huddled into the Eisner bar before it's opening hours. This included Dimitri, who asked the foremost question, Edelgard, who looked slightly concerned and confused despite her best attempts to remain elegant and unfazed, Jeralt, for obvious reasons, Hilda, who was checking her appearance in the mirror, Lorenz, who was not so subtly checking out Hilda, and the Gatekeeper. Alois and Catherine we're positioned near the entrance, on full alert to protect them all, but this time. they were accompanied by the large, darker skinned man and the sinister looking black haired guy.

Alois and Catherine didn't particularly enjoy the extra company, but they were respectively Dimitri's and Edelgard's assistants, so Alois and Catherine didn't get a choice in the matter.

"Hold on," Claude said. "We're still expecting one more person."


Just as Byleth asked that, Claude's phone rang. Claude smoothly clicked it on, revealing an image of Hassan von Riegan.

Byleth was...surprised to see him, to say the least.

"What-Is that your father?" Edelgard was just as flabbergasted as everyone else, who all looked at a loss of words. "Claude, I demand an explanation!"

"Halt, Edelgard," Dimitri said. "Let Claude explain at his own pace."

"Thanks," Claude took a deep breath. "I've called everyone here for something really important to me, and important to all of you. As you all know, I made a difficult choice by choosing the music industry. But-"

"But? Are you leaving!? But your voice-" The Gatekeeper shook his head. "We just started creating music! You've been recording so well, and-

"And it's your passion, Claude! You can't just give it up!" Hilda frowned. "Don't do anything just because these two stuffy friends of yours pressured you."

"We are not stuffy-"

"Could you guys just let me explain?" Claude sighed, running his hand through his unruly locks. Byleth reached over to grab his hand, squeezing it comfortingly as the room went silent to give Claude the floor. "Okay. Thanks. I know it's my passion. And I'm not giving it up...but I'm also aware that I have been away from Leicester for far too long. It's time that I return."


"But...What are you saying?" Hassan's echoey voice came from Claude's phone. His aged face was scrunched in confusion. "I don't understand."

"Me neither."

"I'm saying that...I'm going to find a way to do both."

Silence broke out once more.

"...Both?" Dimitri asked. "But...How?"

"It's simply impossible," Lorenz responded.

"No, it's not," Byleth shook her head. "With the help of all of you, it can work. Edelgard, Dimitri. Both of you need Claude for your companies, or else you'll lose all control, yes? If Claude comes back, he can help you with that."

"Yes, but he won't have any time to record," The Gatekeeper frowned. "Byleth, you were on my side for this, how can you take talent away?"

"She's not," Claude said. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to keep singing, and I'm going to return the company. Edelgard, Dimitri...You both need me to come back. I want to come back...but I also want to follow my dreams. I can't do that if I go back to the company entirely. So, here's my
proposition...that the three companies unite."

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